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類別: 東亞, Brunei 汶萊, Indonesia 印尼, Laos 寮國, Malaysia 馬來西亞, Myanmar 緬甸, Philippines 菲律賓, Thailand 泰國, Vietnam 越南, Good News, Photography 攝影, Travel 旅遊, 公民媒體

受到Brandon Stanton的臉書專頁紐約眾生相 [1]啟發,世界各地的攝影同好紛紛用他們手中的相機分享家鄉街上的景物與故事。

汶萊眾生相 [2]設立於2013年5月17日,下方照片為汶萊學生。

Photo from Humans of Brunei Facebook page [3]


同年8月16日,印尼攝影師設立了印尼眾生相 [4],下方照片攝於Bukittinggi區Harau谷瀑布:


「當地政府將這個原始瀑布轉型成公共澡堂,所以當我將鏡頭拉遠時,你會看到有小孩在玩充氣玩具,瀑布旁有人在兜售食物、紀念品與從事各樣的活動。這真的是非常特別的經驗!」 照片來自印尼眾生相

“Those young coconuts look fresh?” “Oh, please take one if you like” “Thank you so much. Why don’t you just drop them down? Seems heavy to carry like that” “Don’t you see that few kids play under these trees? I am worry these coconuts would hit them.” Photo from Humans of Indonesia Facebook page [6]


印尼首都雅加達也有自己的照片集:雅加達眾生相 [7]

Photo from Humans of Jakarta Facebook page [8]


除此之外,印尼觀光勝地峇里島也有峇里島眾生相 [9]

馬來西亞出生的Avinash [10]解釋她設立馬來西亞眾生相 [11]的想法


"What scares you the most?" "Being poor. Having no money. Everything is about money nowadays. Supporting my family, food, transport, bills. Its everywhere." Photo from Humans of Malaysia Facebook page [12]


另外,馬來西亞首都吉隆坡也有專屬的照片集:吉隆坡眾生相 [13]

"Abang (brotherly term for a guy) Hafiz washes and arranges the fish and vegetables at one of the agricultural grocery stores in KL. It is late at night and people are still coming in." Photo from Facebook page Humans of Kuala Lumpur [14]


泰國照片集泰國眾生相 [15]已經停擺很久了,不過首都的照片集曼谷眾生相 [16]仍持續更新中。Zon [17]說著他設立曼谷眾生相的原因


"My daily challenge is riding. I have to manage to ride through the gaps between big cars. And actually it's extremely dangerous. I've been a taxi rider for a year but honestly I don't know how long I could continue with this job, or either know what I want to do next with my life." Photo from Humans of Bangkok Facebook page [18]


Bangkok police. Photo from Humans of Bangkok Facebook page [19]


泰國反政府示威 [20]日趨嚴重,曼谷市民呼籲「和平星期日」。

"Political conflict in Thailand now. We hope for #peacefulsunday and that no violence will take place tomorrow." Photo from Humans of Bangkok Facebook page [21]


泰國北部的第二大城清邁也有清邁眾生相 [22]

Photo from Humans of Chiang Mai Facebook page [23]


關於越南,一定要看看西貢眾生相 [24]河內眾生相 [25]

Photo from Humans of Saigon Facebook page [26]


Photo from Humans of Hanoi Facebook page [27]


寮國首都永珍都則有永珍眾生相 [28]

"Local law enforcement in Luang Namtha enjoying a game of petangue." Photo from Humans of Vientiane Facebook page [29]

「琅南塔省的(Luang Namtha)公務員開心玩著滾球。」照片來自永珍眾生相

下面的照片來自新加坡眾生相 [30],新加坡人Stacy提供,當時她正坐在克拉碼頭(Clarke Quay):

"I've been sitting here because it's quite breezy. And you can watch the boats passing by too. They've been doing a tour of the entire river all the way till Marina Bay Sands, where they tell you about the history of these places and Singapore. It's quite interesting, you hear all sorts of things which you didn't know and it's always a bit of a surprise." Photo from Humans of Singapore Facebook page [31]

「我很享受在碼頭這邊坐著,看著駁船來來往往。遊客通常會搭這些駁船遊河,聽著新加坡與克拉碼頭的故事直到濱海灣金沙(Marina Bay Sands)。有時在碼頭還會聽到一些從來沒聽過的驚人故事,這真的很有趣。」照片來自新加坡眾生相

菲律賓的攝影師則成立了菲律賓眾生相 [32]馬尼拉眾生相 [33]。馬尼拉為菲律賓的首都。

Children of Tondo in Manila. Tondo is a working class district. Photo from Humans of Manila Facebook page [34]


Chris James受到紐約眾生相啟發,設立了緬甸首都仰光的照片集仰光眾生相 [35]

People of Yangon Facebook page [36]

