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Taiwan Voice: 提供國際社會最新的服貿抗議訊息

類別: Taiwan (ROC) 台灣 (中華民國), Governance 政府治理, International Relations 國際關係, Law 法律, 公民媒體, 政治, 青年

受到烏克蘭#Euromaidan網上翻譯行動 [1]的啟發,台灣的運動人士於3月20日創立臉書頁面:Taiwan Voice [2]。頁面頭一天,已經獲得超過一千個讚。在這個平台上,運動人士與志願譯者轉貼即時新聞的原文,並張貼英文譯文,以提供給國際社會最新的服貿 [3]抗議 [4]資訊。以下是Taiwan Voice的成立宗旨:

Taiwan Voice was set up to give the students and other protesters currently occupying Taiwan's legislature a voice that could reach outside of the island nation. Not only do we hope to make the current issue clear to those living in other countries, but we also want to raise awareness internationally about the current situation in Taiwan as it faces a mounting struggle to maintain its autonomy, hard-fought democracy, and its high level of human rights in the face of growing influence from China. These concepts — democracy, human rights, independence, freedom — are concepts that are worth preserving, and Taiwan's struggle to preserve them is worthy of international attention.

We welcome anyone not familiar with Taiwan to post a question or to message us through this site. We would be happy to have people on the ground explain what is going on, or even just to let you know what Taiwan, our culture and our people are all about.

為了讓島嶼之外的人也能聽見學生與抗議群眾的聲音,我們設立了台灣之聲(Taiwan Voice)。我們不只是希望能夠讓其他國家的民眾了解目前台灣發生的事,也想喚起國際間對於台灣目前處境的認識。中國對台灣的影響增強之際,台灣想要維護自身主權、守護得來不易的民主以及高水準的人權,正遇到愈來愈多的困境。民主、人權、獨立、自由--這些概念值得我們去堅持。台灣對這些觀念的堅持,也值得國際間的關注。


臉書上,由許多台灣留學生組織而成的「CSSTAtranslategroup 服貿議題翻譯協作組織 [5]」,也正與Taiwan Voice討論如何進一步合作,以求發揮最大的資訊傳播效果。