訪問期間,歐巴馬總統及衣索比亞總理海爾馬里亞姆‧德薩連(Hailemariam Desalegn)會同衣索比亞傑出人物參加國宴,其中有藝術家、運動員以及政治家。然而,衣索比亞的藍黨領導人Yilikal Getnet回絕了國宴邀請,表示「朱門酒肉臭;路有凍死骨。」
衣索比亞─奧羅莫事務擁護者Jawar Mohammed在臉書上發表對於歐巴馬支持當局的不滿:
The US is now firmly and officially endorsing authoritarianism in Ethiopia
When we look at the statements by US officials Donald Booth (former ambassador to Ethiopia who said the 2010 election was good enough), Wendy Sherman (Deputy Secretary of State), Susan Rice (national security adviser) and now president Obama who in his speech twice declared the regime is democratically elected, we reach a conclusion that the United States [has] decided to publicly align itself with the Ethiopian authoritarian regime, both in words and deeds. The US has always supported this regime practically through massive aid, however, even George Bush's administration maintained verbal criticism of the authoritarian nature of the regime. The US has now gone blunt as Obama's administration has officially and openly endorsed the ‘developmental dictatorship’ narrative. Why is that?
1) Somalia- after the attempt to replace Ethiopia by Kenya and Uganda as its own extended hand for messing with Somalia's internal affairs failed to produce result, America is now back to the old tactic of fully relying on Ethiopian army and intelligence.
2) China- While US remains increasingly dependent on Ethiopia for its security interest, China has developed unmatched influence in the economy. William Davison nicely summarized this reality in his latest report, writing ” When Barack Obama became the first sitting President of the United States to touch down in Ethiopia’s capital on Sunday evening, it was at an airport being upgraded using a $250-million Chinese loan. His convoy then zipped along a six-lane urban expressway, also funded by the Export-Import Bank of China, to Meskel Square, where the two lines of a new Chinese-built electric railway intersect. Towering over the capital’s southwest, he may have spotted the headquarters of the African Union, a $200 million giveaway from China’s leaders.”
Such investment gives China significant influence not only over Ethiopia but also the rest Africa through the African Union which is located there.
看著美國的官方聲明,唐納‧布思(Donald Booth,前駐衣索比亞大使)認為2010年的大選結果已然夠好了,有溫蒂‧雪蔓(Wendy Sherman,國務院副秘書長)、蘇珊·萊斯(Susan Rice,國家安全顧問),最後加上在公開演說中兩度聲明當局政權乃經由民主程序選出的歐巴馬,從行為與言語上再再顯示美國早已決定公然與當局政權結盟。美國向來透過大量的資助作為扶持政權的手段,然而,就連前總統小布希任內都還會表面上批評當局政權,美國現今在歐巴馬的統治下,何以正式、公開支持「發展式專制」政權?
中國─在美國基於國安利益而更加依賴衣索比亞的同時,中國在經濟上已展現不容小覷的影響力。William Davison在他最新的報告中為我們總結了這項事實:在星期天晚上歐巴馬以美國首位在位總統之姿所降落的衣索比亞首都的機場,是靠中國資金貸款 2.5億升級而來;他的車隊所行經的六線城市快速道路,也是由中國進出口銀行出資舖建;來到梅斯克爾廣場,中國新建造的兩條電鐵交會於此。之後他可能會注意到矗立在首都西南方的非洲聯盟總部,便是由中國國家主席捐贈兩億元的成品。
回應Jawar的評論,Amin Kedir建議:
Dont depend on external body to bring change, justice, democracy, etc for your internal issues. Mr. Obama come for his own benefit (his country benefit), dont expect more changes from Mr.Obama.
Kedir Tibeso也不對歐巴馬抱有期待:
Dictators are always dictators, and america want ethiopia for its own benefit. i do not expect any thing from obama.
綜合Jawar的評論, Mohammed Siraj也表示了意見:
Excellent analysis. Those who anticipated long for America to liberate them, be informed that America [is a] pragmatic country that run after its own interest. This is a good opportunity to get calm and think [about] the ineffective path being traveled so long.
Abo Ethio指出,問題不在歐巴馬身上,真正的問題在於以前都靠種族凝聚為反對派,卻缺少因意識型態而團結的反對勢力行動:
As long as z opposition groups are not united and show their strength (tangible), USA will continue to supporter z opperssor. You should hv to make note on what he spoke in Kenya, regarding ethnic based politics……. We will not have a strong alternative as long as we continue to organize our politics based on ethnic groups rather than the well founded political ideology n understanding of z geo-politics.
許多對這次拜訪提出意見的評論者下了總結,衣索比亞人不該企盼美國為他們建立民主政府,國家的命運應當自己掌握。於是Falmataa Lamii寫道:
[…]This is more than enough for us that USA Compromise Democracy with Security!! They are running after their national security. They don’t care about innocent people killed and jailed by those dictators! The western world (USA) always pleased dancing over the dead bodies the innocent people and wining of innocent blood!!
Therefore no more begging USA to generously give us Democracy!!! The western world (USA) officials (OBAMA) are not daddies of Democracy. But it is the result of united hands of the people! The united hands of our people are stronger than that of Western world (USA)!
Let us do that and reign the democracy we are longing for!!!!
Great speech Mr President. I hope that The African Union council must adopt new policy for African governors or promote maximum two terms in office for all African President. This will help growth and developments of the continent.
若想進一步了解歐巴馬拜訪衣索比亞期間發生的大小事,請到Horn Affairs blog閱讀精選要聞。
校對:YK Chen
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