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類別: 撒哈拉沙漠以南非洲地區, Ghana 迦納, Photography 攝影, 公民媒體, 教育, 數位行動, 藝術與文化
Ghanaian Internet sensation Jake Amo. Photo taken by and shared on Instagram by


一切的故事都從一張照片開始。在這張照片中,一位就讀於迦納阿斯潘那村裡的學校、名叫傑克.阿莫(Jake Amo)的小男孩在創意藝術課程中聚精會神地畫畫。這堂課的授課教師是所羅門.阿多夫(Solomon Adufah)-一位就讀於美國伊利諾大學藝術學系的迦納人。2015年8月時,他的朋友卡羅.柯提斯 [1](Carlos Cortes)在記錄阿多夫的返回迦納之旅時,拍下了這張照片,而阿多夫在2016年1月時將這張照片分享 [2]到Instagram上。

2016年的9月及10月間,這張照片迅速地在網路上竄紅。爆紅的主因是南非的網友們 [3]把這張圖片做成了網路趣圖(如下圖 [4] [5])。

「當公司要求你寫下過去的工作經驗,而你只寫得出臉書總管與WhatsApp的群組創辦人」──截圖自臉書社團No Chill in Mzansi [5]

「當公司要求你寫下過去的工作經驗,而你只寫得出臉書個人專頁管理員與WhatsApp的群組創辦人」──截圖自臉書社團No Chill in Mzansi

所羅門.阿多夫利用傑克這張當紅的圖片,發起了群眾募資計劃 [6],希望能夠幫助傑克還有其他與他相同處境的迦納小孩。當這個計畫來到第12天時,已經從500位以上的捐贈者募集12,00美金的善款。


創新聚落 [7](Innovation Village)的作者厄尤巴.福渥克(Ayuba Fowoke)對於這個故事發表了回應,他認為 [8]這場群眾募資的活動正好應證了非洲的一句俗諺「教育一個孩子,需要整個社會的相互合作」。以下是他的回應內容 [8]

There have been many stories of how crowdsourcing rescued many from challenges. But it is more exciting when a negative and hilarious meme is turned into a good tale like that of Jake. In addition, it is even better if the meme resolves a social problem.

This is what happens when government and local authorities abandon their responsibilities. There are millions of children out of school across Africa while the ones who are in school learn in dilapidated conditions.


There is no guarantee that many around Africa and the world will stop using Jake’s pictures for memes. However, what is sure is that Jake and his friends at Asempanaye, Koforidua will learn in a more conducive environment and with superior writing materials! Thanks to the pensive, and morose looking Jake, Solomon Adufah and Carlos Cortes.





歐文蘇.馬薩西(Olwethu Mthathi)用推特總結了他對這件事的影響力的看法:

傑克.阿默是一個傳奇、一個非洲趣圖與社群網路世代的指標性人物。#JakeAmo [9]

— Olwethu Mthathi (@olwethumthathi) October 29, 2016 [10]
