Aarav Appukuttan和Sukanyeah Krishna彼此相愛,這對跨性別情侶─Appukutan以女生的性別出生,而Krishna則是以男生的性別出生─三年前於孟買一家醫院等待由印度財務資金支付的性別重置手術時,在一位醫生的診間相識。以共同擁護並為性別認同奮鬥的熱情為基礎,兩人迅速展開了戀愛,並且決定結婚。
I'm sharing a screenshot of a video Published in ScoopWhoop News. Below that video there is a comment published by a person named “Mayank”, and he is calling out to “Kill us Both.” Certainly! It's from a Fake Profile.
Now my reply to Mayank:
Man, we both might be ‘Gays’ for your eyes! But we've shown enough guts to come out in the public and reveal who we are, what we are planning… Do you have enough guts to use your own name and picture in a facebook profile and make such a comment? If you have enough “Mardangi” (manhood), do that! We're waiting…I know there many psychos and phobics out there in the middle, but why are you targeting us? Just because, we live a REAL Life? without hiding ourselves? We too have the same rights to live in this world, as you all are having… We aren't disturbing anyone else. In fact, we've to fight a lot to survive itself. We don't enjoy any privileges to make it easier So Please… Live and Let live!
我分享的是發佈於ScoopWhoop News中一支影片的螢幕截圖,影片下方有個名為Mayank所發佈的評論,他嚷嚷著要「殺了我們兩個」。不用懷疑!這是用假帳號發的。
2014年,印度最高法院宣佈跨性別者為「第三性別」,這是一個保護他們能受教育和工作的裁決,否則,污名化的現象會一直存在,跨性別者仍會是經常被騷擾或攻擊的對象,或者為了生存甚至被迫乞討或賣淫。根據Swasti健康研究中心(Swasti Health Resource Centre)所做的2,169位跨性別者的調查,在印度,十位跨性別者裡就有四位在青春期前遭受過性虐待。
Sukanyeah: We've received varied responses from people. While some are super appreciative others have issued threats saying, “Kill the LGBT dogs” on Facebook. I don't now why we are being targeted but it's very similar to the transphobia and homophobia that triggered the Orlando massacre [in the United States in 2016]. People think we are outcasts or aliens but we are not the ones creating problems. We just keep to ourselves and still face attacks. They don't know anything about us, gender identity disorder yet they read headlines and abuse us. It hurts us and demeans our struggle to a greater extent.
In fact, now, we are even scared to publish our wedding dates and our security will get compromised. We are poor and we don't know how to handle goons if they threaten us so our best chance is to get a private wedding ceremony done.
This negative feedback is forcing us to hide. It takes a lot of courage to come out in the first place and accept your identity.
Sukanyeah:我們得到人們各式各樣的回應,在臉書上有些人非常讚賞我們,有些人則發佈了威脅的字眼「殺了LGBT傢伙」。我不曉得為什麼我們成了他們的目標,但這很像跨性別恐懼症和同志恐懼症引發的奧蘭多同性戀夜店槍擊案(Orlando massacre,2016年發生於美國)。人們認為我們是被拋棄的人或者外星人,但我們並沒有製造出什麼問題,只不過是忠於自己,卻還是會遭受攻擊。那些人一點也不了解我們,只讀了新聞頭條寫著性別認同障礙就辱罵我們,這對我們造成傷害,且更加踐踏了我們的努力。
Aarav: We have filed complaints against a few accounts on social media for issuing death threats against us. Most of them are fake and based out of Kerala. We try and be as polite as possible in our responses but sometimes, it's just hard to be kinder when they want to end our lives and it is disturbing.
Aarav: : We are happy, we have received a positive response from everyone across the world except some miscreants locally. We are happy people are trying to understand our situation and it gives out a bigger and much significant message of acceptance of the gender-identity disorders.
Aarav: We don't expect any legal hassles from our marriage under India's article 377 as we both are legally male and female now. Officially, we have received our government documents as well and are waiting for more documents before we can solemnize our marriage.
Aarav: We met three years ago outside at a doctors clinic where Sukanyeah had come for her treatment. I heard her talking in Malayalam and that's how we started talking. My family is supportive of our union.
Aarav: We want to start a non-governmental organization for members of the transgender community and want to create awareness among parents. They should not ignore their children dealing with gender dysphoria or gender identity disorder. They should instead support them and we hope we can set some example. We are hopeful parents will reach out to us and seek our counseling.
Sukanyeah: My family disowned me when I was young and let me down because I was a transgender. I faced many troubles and left home at 18 to work in Bangalore and save money for my surgeries. I worked in call centers, worked as a freelance in Information Technology sector and started my hormonal treatment to transition into a woman. That's when my relationship with Aarav blossomed and I don't think seeking support from my family will yield anything positive. I was heartbroken at their rejection but now plan to focus all my energies on starting a non-governmental organization by December to aid other trans individuals.
Aarav: After 45 years of hiding behind a woman's mask, I am finally free to live my life as a man and don't take those seriously who want to insult or mock me. Also, I would want to advise those opting for surgeries to go to a renowned doctor instead of falling for botched surgeries which are more dangerous.
Both Aarav and Sukanyeah: We want a child to complete our family and inspire us to do good for the world and I am sure we will make wonderful parents.
全球之聲使用反歧視同志聯盟媒體參考指南(GLAAD Media Reference Guide)以確保我們對跨性別者做出的是尊重他們的報導且內容屬實。我們也鼓勵想要分享或評論這個故事的人這麼做。