安潔莉‧拉瑪(Anjali Lama)是一位在時尚界炙手可熱的新星。她將成為第一位登上2月在孟買舉辦的拉克美時裝週(Lakme Fashion Week,簡稱LFW)的跨性別模特兒。
前尼泊爾小姐雪絲蒂(Shristi Shrestha)在Facebook上寫道:
Proud moment for all of us! Anjali Lama, I believe that this is a great beginning for you in the fashion industry. To be selected among hundreds of girls is quite an achievement on its own, and you have done it! The path surely must not have been easy but I'm sure that this path will lead you to a bright and beautiful future that you truly deserve. Our first transgender model ❤️ Sending you love and luck from Nepal ?
這是一個令我們所有人都感到驕傲的時刻!安潔莉‧拉瑪,我相信這是你在時尚界一個偉大的開端。從數百名女孩中被挑選出來是一項偉大的成就,你已經做到了!這條道路並非一帆風順,但我相信這條道路將帶領你前往你應得的光明和美好未來。我們的第一位變性人模特兒 ❤️在尼泊爾為你祈求愛與好運 ?
拉瑪出生時為男性,並取名為那望‧韋巴(Navin Waiba,Navin在尼泊爾意味著「新生」)。她在尼泊爾一個遠離時尚產業的的村莊努瓦果德(Nuwakot)中長大,對於模特兒的世界一無所知。
她說,她總覺得自己是時尚界的一份子,從小就喜歡化妝,打扮得很漂亮。直到她來到加德滿都接受高等教育時,她才與藍鑽協會(Blue Diamond Society,一個同性戀,雙性戀和跨性別者〈LGBT〉權利組織進行接觸),並發現長達20年被埋沒的真正自我。
Fashion can turn around even the most rigid minds says @anjalilama00https://t.co/zpBXGaNbAq@LakmeFashionWk#AnjaliLamapic.twitter.com/bS0vd6LIoa
— Debarati S Sen (@debaratisen) December 30, 2016
Say hello to Anjali Lama – the 1st transgender model who’ll walk the ramp for LFW-2017! https://t.co/XihaLdMDDV pic.twitter.com/vEr31tSBAK
— Govind Ghimire (@tghimire084) January 1, 2017
在Facebook上,Rochelle Pinto讚揚時尚界歡迎拉瑪一事:
10 points for inclusiveness. Contrary to what you may think, fashion remains one of the most supportive spaces, happily accepting the world's weirdos, rebels and rejects.
尼泊爾最高法院於2007年授權公民根據自己的感受選擇自己的性別身份。尼泊爾選舉委員會允許選民自由選擇為男性、女性或登記為第三性。最近,尼泊爾為LGBT行為主義者莫尼卡‧夏希(Monica Shahi)頒發了一個特殊的跨性別護照(增設「O」的類別,代表著「其他」)。
For me, it was never a question of whether or not I was transgender. It was a question of what I'd be able to handle transitioning and having to do it in the public eye. One of the issues that was hard for me to overcome was the fear of that.
नेपाली मोडलिङ क्षेत्रमा फरक पहिचान बनाएकी तेस्रोलिंगी मोडल अञ्जली लामा यतिबेला भारतीय मिडियामा भाइरल बनेकी छन्। https://t.co/oVB1nHtJDi
— NepalJapanDotCom (@mynepaljapan) January 9, 2017
Transgender model Anjali Lama who carved a niche in the Nepalese modelling has gone viral in Indian media.