馬來西亞檳城的展覽,以畫家Jennifer Mourin的新作為號召,她的畫作以積極傳達環保概念聞名。
My “Mother Gaia” series imbibes the need to take stock of what we are sacrificing in the name of greed, selfishness, over-consumption and so-called economic growth. These new paintings assert the need to respect, protect and defend our planet and her progeny against abuse, exploitation, depletion and death. My personification of Mother Earth in the women I paint surrounded by the animals facing extinction stares people in the eye calling for people to change, for the killings to stop!
「蓋亞」這一系列畫作,記錄下人們以貪婪、自私、過度消費及所謂經濟成長的名義所做出的犧牲。這些新畫作倡導尊重、保護及捍衛地球,及後代子孫對抗虐待 過度開發、剝削、耗損及死亡。大地之母化身為女性形象,被瀕臨滅絕動物們所包圍,透過眼神呼籲人們改變,以便停止獵殺!
Mourin在畫作中也描繪了一些馬來西亞瀕危物種。她提到馬來西亞眾所皆知的標誌馬來亞老虎(Harimau Malaya),然而卻即將面臨絕種:
I find it so bitterly ironic that this majestic animal is used as a symbol on the Malaysian coat of arms, is the name of our national football team (Harimau Malaysia), is revered as part of Malaysian identity, but the real life animal is disappearing! The magnificent tiger is dying off because humans hunt, kill and trade in their skin, teeth, meat in some misguided belief that these will give people, especially men, power and sexual prowess– what sacrifice for such foolish vanity, arrogance and selfishness!
Similarly, I also feature the Hornbill. I fondly remember these beautiful birds from my childhood when my family lived in the state of Pahang, and they used to fly around freely close to my home. Malaysia is the home to 10 species of hornbills, and these need to be protected!
我覺得很諷刺,這樣雄偉的動物;視為馬來西亞國徽的象徵,也是國家足球隊的隊名(Harimau Malaya),更是馬來西亞的代表,但現實生活中,這種動物正在消失中!美麗的老虎因為人類捕殺相繼死去,基於某些錯誤的迷思,人類獵殺及買賣虎皮、虎牙及老虎肉,據說會賦予人們,特別是男性,權力及壯陽的功效,為了人類如此愚昧虛榮、傲慢及自私引起這樣的犧牲!
Memories of my mother’s Thai village in the eastern state of Kelantan have turned my love of the sarongs the strong women wore (including my mother, grandmother and villagers) into totems of my artistic identity.
記憶中對我母親在吉蘭丹東部的泰國村莊的回憶,使得我喜歡堅強女性穿著紗籠的形象 (包含我母親、祖母及村民們) 成為作畫的特色。
Another recurring theme is women breastfeeding, as I am incredulous at how such a loving, nourishing and nurturing act as breastfeeding is often considered a controversial “obscene” act by society. Mothers deserve to be supported and loved. In the Mother GAIA series, breastfeeding is symbolic of how mother earth provides for us, feeds and sustains us.
People need to remember how much Mother GAIA gives so all can live and be sustained! Is it any wonder that she will react against humankind's hubris, carelessness and selfishness? We are all in the same boat, and if humankind continues at the pace we are witnessing it will be at our own peril!
Mourin的畫作為馬來西亞檳城Hin Bus Depot藝術中心所舉行聯合展覽中的一部分。