2018年3月16日(星期五)下午,許多荷蘭人都看到了荷蘭自由黨(Party for Freedom。荷蘭文:Partij voor de Vrijheid,簡稱:PVV)的競選廣告。紅色粗體字伴隨著隆隆的音樂,文字在螢幕上不斷改變,第一句話是「伊斯蘭教不一樣」(Islam is discrimination)。不吉利的背景音樂與鼓聲繼續播放,而「不一樣」這幾個字隨後被「暴力」、「恐怖」、「猶太人之恨」、「基督徒之恨」等字眼所取代。
Zouka媒體公司的Abdelkarim El-Fassi在臉書上寫道:
As a viewer, you are angry, bent out of shape, furious, and surprised about how so much rabid hatred can come through NPO. In the room where you feel safest: your own living room. In the middle of the day. And with the big chance that your little one has seen it. Or your nieces and nephews that live miles away that you were unable to protect from so much anger. That was my reaction at least; what if Hamza, Yassin, Romaissa, and Imraan saw this?
In our free country, the border of what is permissible is up to the judge.
I believe that I represent most of the Netherlands when I say that I find this is distasteful.
Sylvanna Simons是反對種族歧視的荷蘭政黨Bij1的創辦人,看過影片後如此表示:
I am still sickened by the hate propaganda broadcast on NPO last night on behalf of the PVV at a time when unsuspecting children could also see it.
And what does my surprise paint?
No national outrage?
No “our Judeo-Christian values are on the line?”
Not a word from the late night talk shows?
Nothing at all.
Oh wait. The presenter of the hate spot could be all cozy with the sleeping Netherlands as co-presenter of a morning talk show.
More than ever, it is clear to me that in the Netherlands one Dutch person is not like the other Dutch person.
跨宗教的積極份子Chantal Suissa-Runna在推特寫道:
I’ve been sick, but my fever has gone up another degree… the PVV ads. Islam is slavery, deadly, animal abuse…wtf? As a Jew, I do not tolerate this. Many Jews are being used by populist parties as a stick with which to beat Muslims.
— Chantal Suissa-Runne (@CASuissa) March 16, 2018
對海爾特・懷爾德斯(Geert Wilders)和他領導的政黨來說,爭議已經司空見慣了。
這次懷爾德斯的情況是否會再次上演?伊斯蘭民主黨(Islam Democrats)在臉書上表示,由於最近的廣告事件,他們打算對他提出吿訴。
We call on everyone in this country, Muslim and not-Muslim, to take a stand against Muslim hate, xenophobia, and other forms of intolerance.
有些人則持不同意見,不同意投訴。Zouka媒體公司的Abdelkarim El-Fassi在臉書上寫道:
There is at least one thing I will not do. And that is file a complaint. Been there, done that. I will not give him [Geert Wilders] that courtroom anymore. I am not going to to give him a platform to help him step out of the shadow of Baudet (that other creep) [Thierry Baudet is the founder of a competing anti-Islam and racist populist party]. Above all, I do not want to turn my fate over to institutions. We can do much more than we think. By creating new stories and continuing dialogue. Yesterday I was at a debate. Today I was teaching students. I saw in both rooms how hatred had polarized those spaces. Politicians seemed about to tear each other's hair out. Students did not feel safe to state an opinion.
There is nothing easier than using the boob tube [television] to broadcast a message of hatred. But it is really up to us to all to fill the cracks in society. Day in, day out, we must bring new insights to our neighbors, neighborhoods, and fellow citizens. Sometimes, just by being normal. And sometimes, by holding up a mirror.
That is the biggest middle finger that we can give him. We are already doing that. We have to continue to do so. Everyday we need to tell each other that their hatred will be defeated by the intrinsic need for peace; to live together; not to hate each other; but to love.
There is no other way.
至少有一件事是我不會做的,那就是提出告訴。我以前試過了,我不會再讓他(懷爾德斯)上法庭,給他一個平台,幫他走出Baudet(另一個怪胎)的陰影[註:Thierry Baudet是一個反伊斯蘭、種族主義、民粹主義政黨的成立者]。首先,我不想要把我的命運變成制度。藉由創造新故事和繼續對談,我們能做的比我們想像得還要多。我昨天去了一場辯論會,今天在當老師,我看到仇恨如何改變這兩個不同的地方。政治家好像要讓大家充滿焦慮,而學生們覺得表達意見不安全。
Ladies and gentleman, we are going to ensure that we return this beautiful land to the Dutch, because that is our project!
Halleh Ghorashi醫生在「荷蘭的種族歧視與『不懂感激的人』」(Racism and ‘the Ungrateful Other’ in the Netherlands)中,寫到荷蘭社會對種族歧視議題保持緘默的情況:
Every reaction that acknowledges the insecure feelings of the “native Dutch” justifies the critique of migrant culture as well. Here we can observe a clear double standard: It is OK for the “native Dutch” to feel defensive and to protect their culture, but migrants are criticized for defending theirs. Migrants are seen as the ones who need to adopt or even assimilate into the new culture. Not many people would consider this asymmetric approach racist, since it is believed that the discussion is about culture and not about race (see also Schinkel on this). This begs the question of why the discussion of the culture of migrants focuses on how it needs to change, yet discussion of the culture of the “native Dutch” recognizes the reasons for a defensive attitude.
每一個 「本土荷蘭人」 的不安全感反應都是批判移民文化的證明。我們在這裡能看到明顯的雙重標準:「本土荷蘭人」可以捍衛自己、保護自己的文化,但移民維護自己的文化卻會受到批評--大家認為移民就是要習慣、融入新的文化,並相信這件事的焦點不在種族,而在於文化(可去了解申克爾(Schinkel)對此事之看法 ),因此很少人覺得這種不平等待遇下隱含種族歧視。這就導出了這個問題:為什麼討論移民的文化時,重點在於怎麼去改變他們的文化,而討論「本土荷蘭人」的文化時,卻能把這當作他們持保守態度的理由?
譯註:申克爾(Willem Schinkel)於2008年出版的著作:《De gedroomde samenleving》
Gloria Wekker醫生在她的書《白人的無知》(White Innocence)裡討論到種族歧視如何默默滲入荷蘭社會而不被察覺。她表示,在荷蘭社會中,大家覺得自己先進又寬容,蒙蔽了自己的雙眼,看不見原本就存在的種族歧視:
In that story we are a very progressive country. We are the champions of women’s liberation, liberation of gays and lesbians. We also like to tell ourselves that we are color blind and anti-racist. The thing is, if you ask people from the colonies or from Morroco or Turkey, this does not conform to their experiences.