2018年1月初,全球之聲曾報導,一位名叫阿希法(Asifa)的8歲穆斯林女孩,慘遭姦殺。她來自巴卡爾瓦拉(Bakarwals)遊牧部落--位在北印度的查摩與喀什米爾邦(Jammu and Kashmir)卡索亞(Kathua)地區。
然而,由於這起事件背後還牽涉到複雜的宗教討論,許多當地媒體將這起令人髮指的故事,放在報紙內較不起眼的版面。阿希法出生於一個穆斯林社區,而兇嫌則來自查摩地區(Jammu region),一個大幅支持執政黨「印度人民黨」(Bharatiya Janata Party,簡稱BJP)的印度教社區(Hindu community)。
事發三個月後,這個家庭面對了無數的挑戰,這包含:阿希法無法被葬在自己的家鄉、他們還面對政治壓力、抗議者還設法阻撓犯罪調查,就連阿希法的律師迪皮卡・拉加瓦特(Deepika S. Rajawat)也遭到威脅。當地特約記者納瑟・馬索迪(Nazir Masoodi)則深入分析該事件的犯罪紀錄:
The charge sheet, filed by the Crime Branch of J & K [Jammu and Kashmir] police, says that the 8-year-old was not fed for the four days that she was kept captive. She was put on sedatives while she was raped by three men. The drugs ensured she would not cry out loud, not even when she was strangled.
The documents say all this happened under the watch of the temple custodian Sanji Ram. His own son, Vishal, his nephew (a juvenile) and a special police officer, Deepak Khajuria, are also accused of raping her and are among the eight men who were arrested by Crime Branch.
由查摩與喀什米爾邦刑事分隊(Crime Branch of J & K [Jammu and Kashmir] )所建立的犯罪紀錄指出,這名8歲女童有長達4天的時間遭監禁,也沒有吃飯,這讓她毫無體力;她甚至還被施打了藥物,因此,當她被3名男子輪暴,甚至是勒死時,也無法大聲呼喊。
文件還指出,寺廟負責人山吉・拉姆(Sanji Ram)目睹了整個事發歷程。他的兒子威士豪(Vishal)、他的青少年姪子,及一名特殊警員迪帕・卡朱瑞亞(Deepak Khajuria),也有輪暴這名女童的嫌疑;最後共有8人被刑事分隊逮補。
馬索迪在新德里電視台(New Delhi Television,NDTV )的報導,詳盡地描述阿希法如何受到不人道的對待。報導指出,當地警方還試圖和嫌犯勾結,企圖掩蓋案件真相;他們還在這個穆斯林佔多數的喀什米爾地區,運用伎倆,激起印度人的民族主義--例如,鼓勵民眾參與支持印度的示威活動。
馬索迪的報導引起了印度人及喀什米爾人的關注,但也同時在印度激起了分化。例如,一名住在南印度喀拉拉邦(Kerala)的科塔克銀行(Kotak Mahindra Bank)行員威休紐・南達古曼(Vishnu Nandakumar),他在臉書上以輕蔑的語氣評論了阿希法事件,這番言論在社群媒體上引發眾怒,致使他最後遭銀行解雇。
查摩與喀什米爾邦邦長(Jammu and Kashmir's Chief Minister)梅布巴・穆夫提(Mehbooba Mufti)則承諾,會替阿希法事件伸張正義,並譴責了查摩律師協會(Jammu bar association);據稱,他們試圖阻撓警方執行犯罪調查及犯案紀錄。
Ashifa is not ‘just the face of a child'; she symbolises the violence her community faces. Fuck your appeal to ‘humanity’. People are more than just human faces. This was a hate crime. If you can't talk about her as a Bakarwal Muslim, don't talk about her at all.
— deleting low impression tweets to enhance brand (@inshallahvolcel) April 12, 2018
印度知名詩人及作詞家賈維・阿克塔爾(Javed Akhtar)則在推特上寫了一篇煽動性的言論,想喚起大家對穆斯林巴卡爾瓦拉族的記憶。1999年,印度查摩與喀什米爾邦邊界曾爆發卡吉爾戰爭(Kargil Conflict),當時是巴卡爾瓦拉族提醒了印度軍隊,巴基斯坦軍隊已入侵:
Who was Asifa ? She was an eight years old daughter of Bakerwals. Who are Bakerwals ? A nomad tribe who when spotted the Kargil intruders promptly informed the army .Who are the people who are trying to protect the rapists of this little girl . ? Now it is your turn to answer.
— Javed Akhtar (@Javedakhtarjadu) April 13, 2018
對此,喀什米爾地區的歷史學家久奈德(M. Junaid)反駁:
I can understand the constant desire for elite Indian Muslims to appear nationalistic, but may I ask why it is necessary for Asifa’s community [by the way, how racist & antiquated are you to call them ‘nomad tribe'!] to be represented as snitches to receive empathy from you? https://t.co/L8PQiAYrzn
— M Junaid (@mjunaidr) April 13, 2018
歐曼・古瑞安(Oommen C. Curian)則回應,他認為阿克塔爾的說詞是無意義的。撇開宗教或政治因素,犯罪就是犯罪;他還引述了2015年,一名穆斯林男子因宗教因素而遭私刑的事件:
Deeply uncomfortable with the liberal parade of Bakarwals as ‘the watchmen’ who've served the nation. It reminds one of the sudden urge during [the] Dadri [lynching] to say that Akhlaq [a Muslim man] had mutton, not beef, in his refrigerator.
What if it was indeed beef?
What if she were, say, a stone-pelter?— Oommen C. Kurian (@oommen) April 13, 2018
這些自由主義者把巴卡爾瓦拉族,當作這個國家的「看守者」(the watchmen);這類的言論真的讓我覺得很不舒服。這也讓我想到,2015年達德里暴民私刑事件(2015 Dadri mob lynching)中一名穆斯林男子阿克拉克(Akhlaq)因遭指控吃了牛肉,被處以私刑而死;但最後證明,他的冰箱裡放的是羊肉,不是牛肉。
許多影視圈的演員及激進份子也對這起殘暴的輪姦事件,表達憤怒與哀痛;猶如2012年醫學生在新德里巴士遭輪姦事件後(2012 New Delhi gangrape),所激起的抗議。
喜劇演員維爾・達斯(Vir Das)寫著:
Dear politicians,
I'd like to see every one of you miserable scum and your army of slimy sycophants put your parties and your bullshit aside and do something to make sure that no child ever has to face what this girl did. But you won't. Because you don't deserve this country.
— Vir Das (@thevirdas) April 12, 2018
喀什米爾記者谷娃・基蘭尼(Gowhar Geelani)則控訴,印度媒體將犯罪事件,扭曲成受到宗教和政治因素而驅動:
Attempt by Indian scribes to give a spin & portray the brutal gang-rape, kidnapping, torture & murder of the 8-year-old Muslim girl #Asifa in #Kathua by Hindu goons, backed by rightwing groups, as ‘a normal rape for lust’ is shameful. This was a rape to drive away Muslim nomads.
— Gowhar Geelani (@gowhargeelani) April 17, 2018
這真的很可恥!印度記者竟將這起殘暴的事件--由右翼支持的印度暴徒,輪姦、綁架、虐待、謀殺一名住在卡索亞( #Kathua)地區、8歲的穆斯林女孩阿希法(#Asifa)--扭曲成「出於慾望的正常強姦」。這根本是要驅離穆斯林遊牧民族而起的強姦。
激進份子希赫拉・瑞希德(Shehla Rashid)則在推特上嘲諷執政的印度人民黨:
No one raped Ashifa. No one murdered her. No one tortured her. The innocent *Hindu* men are being targeted unfairly, and there should be a CBI probe to get justice for these innocent *Hindu* men who are being oppressed by Muslims!!
Story of BJP, from #BetiBachao to #RapistBachao
— Shehla Rashid (@Shehla_Rashid) April 12, 2018
On Friday, Mr. Modi said that these cases had brought shame on the country and that ‘our daughters will definitely get justice.’ But his remarks ring hollow because he waited so long to talk about the cases and spoke in broad generalities — describing the crimes as ‘incidents being discussed since past two days.’ He has taken a similar approach in the past when addressing cases in which vigilante groups affiliated with his political movement have attacked and killed Muslims and Dalits — members of India’s lowest caste — who they falsely accused of killing cows, which are sacred to Hindus.
全球之聲的作者印吉・派紐(Inji Pennu)則提供了幾個觀點:
Gentle corrections to narratives:
* Asifa was brutally Murdered, her neck was strangled and broken (not only raped).
* Asifa was also a child of 8 years. Rape of adult women are separate issues.
-Asifa was raped by multiple people — Gang raped is an insulting word to the victim. There is no ‘gang’ rape.
- 阿希法是遭到殘暴地謀殺,她的脖子被勒斷了(不只是遭強暴)。
- 阿希法只是個8歲孩子;成年女性的強暴事件,則是另一個議題。
- 阿希法被多人強暴--「輪暴」對受害者來說是一個很冒犯性的字眼;別再用「輪」暴了。
喀什米爾觀察報(Kashmir Observer)則呼籲,應藉由這起事件,讓社會變得更好:
We as a society must think that no matter what our politics and ideology, we can’t fail in our collective duty towards the safety of our children.