大眾輿論之下,新加坡政府下令除去音樂劇《悲慘世界》(Les Misérables)裡男男親吻的畫面。
《悲慘世界》為維克多‧雨果(Victor Hugo)於1862年撰寫的法國歷史小說,尤其所改編而成音樂劇,為當前世界上上演最久的音樂劇之一。
接近結尾時的一場婚禮場景中,一個惡棍嘲笑完所有的來賓後,親吻了一個自稱「酷兒」(queer)的男演員。而這個吻戲應該要在演唱《丐幫與婚禮》(Beggars at the Feast)一曲時被演出。
為平息民怨,新加坡政府資訊媒體發展局(Media Development Authority,簡稱MDA)要求發起者切掉吻戲部分。以下為機構聲明的摘要:
Under our classification code, such a scene would fall under an “Advisory” rating. The applicant decided to remove the scene so as to keep the “General” rating for the rest of its run. MDA will take action against this breach of licensing conditions.
An audience member in Les Mis saw a brief kiss between 2 men & freaked out. So of course he ran to the authorities. https://t.co/P57pwcW7Xr
— Kirsten Han (@kixes) June 11, 2016
這則反對同性親吻畫面的抱怨,被張貼在臉書粉絲專頁《在新加坡我們反對一點粉紅》(We Are Against Pinkdot in Singapore)中-一個反對該國年度「一點粉紅」同性戀慶典(Pink Dot LGBT celebration)的網路社群。
臉書用戶葛妮絲‧張(Gwyneth Teo)勸導那些不斷抱怨吻戲的民眾應該專注於音樂劇的本質:
…for the complainants to zoom in on this kiss, which was a truly minor illustrative point inconsequential to the broader themes of the play, is really missing the forest for the trees. They could stand to learn a lesson or two about forgiveness from the play they had just watched.
同時編劇家奧費安·薩安(Alfian Sa'at)說他對資訊媒體發展局的決定非常失望:
You might think that canceling the kiss represents some kind of victory over LGBT’s and liberals, but honestly, it is nothing more than a triumph of ignorance and hysteria over common sense and sober reflection.