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類別: Australia 澳洲, Indonesia 印尼, Ethnicity & Race, Freedom of Speech 言論自由, Migration & Immigration, War & Conflict 戰爭與衝突, Women & Gender, 人權, 公民媒體, 文學, 藝術與文化


1998年五月,印尼全境發生暴動,示威民眾要求當時已連任超過三十年的總統蘇哈托(Suharto)下台。儘管暴動使政權更迭,卻也使上千無辜人民--尤其是華裔印尼人--因而受傷、被性侵或被殺害。許多Orang Tionghoa(指擁有華人血統的印尼人)更隨著極具針對性的暴力行為愈演愈烈而選擇逃離印尼。

一份在1998年十月公開的政府報告 [1]揭露,雖然的確有部分針對印尼華人的暴行係屬突發事件,但資料顯示,大多數的事件似乎都是為政府或軍方勢力所支持的滋事團體所策動。報告也列出很多印尼華人女性被性侵的案件。

二十年過去了,1998年被攻擊的受害者及他們的家人仍持續尋求 [2]正義。

墨爾本藝術家拉妮‧普拉梅斯提(Rani Pramesti)創作的圖像小說《華人低語》 [3](此為書名暫譯。譯註:原文Chinese Whispers,在英文中也有傳話遊戲或以訛傳訛之意)即描述了1998年這場迫使她離開摯愛家鄉的悲劇,書中也提及其目擊1998年暴動事件的女性故事。


The Chinese Whispers was inspired by my personal experiences of how the May 1998 racial violence impacted my sense of identity as well as by the historical context of May 1998.

I noticed how 1998 became an important unspoken issue (among) Chinese Indonesian diaspora in Australia.

I can’t speak for other people’s experiences. But I can speak about mine. My family and I were spared from (the) 1998 looting, rape, and violence but we lived the era where we were subjected to politically motivated racism. Being raised unequivocally Indonesian, a proud one that is, the 1998 riot questioned my identity.

Through the Chinese Whispers, I want to reveal what politically motivated racism (PMR) could do to people, (and it) doesn’t matter how many years after it happened. PMR has real human costs, not just in Indonesia but the entire world today.



我不能代表其他人述說他們的經驗,但我可以說出自己的。我的家族在1998年的事件中倖免於搶劫、性侵及暴力行為,但我們在那年代曾飽受有政治動機的種族主義(politically motivated racism)之苦。毫無疑問我作為印尼人被撫養長大也以此自豪,1998年暴動事件讓我質疑我的身分認同。



During the creative process with the community, we talked about many things and everything. Yet, when I brought up the events that took place in 1998, of our whereabouts and what not, the voices in the room were reduced to whispers.

As a student of dramatic arts, I learned to observe tones, body languages, expressions. What I came across during the meetings and dramatic workshops, 1998 held a certain significance to the community.

Many said that the 1998 riot is something taboo to talk about. It remains sensitive, it’s hard to talk about the events, but taboo’s not the word to describe it.





One day I attended a poetry reading by Mark Gonzales, one of his poems reads “We cannot heal what we will not face.” That rang true to me.

20 years on, 1998 is barely acknowledged. There [are] a lot of things to be done in terms of healing, to obtain some forms of justice. I’m not only talking about healing at the personal level, but also as a nation.

I want my readers to remember what 1998 entails and to be moved by the experiences of individuals who went through it.

In my work, my 12-year-old persona experienced having her identity torn apart by politically motivated racism.

I love how dramatic arts contributed in telling my personal stories. After all, despite the macro stories we hear everywhere, in the end, we are all human beings, we all have our micro stories and that is how we connect at the most profound level — from one person to another.

某天我去了馬克‧貢札雷玆(Mark Gonzales)的讀詩會,其中有一句詩是「不面對傷口就無法治癒它」。 我很認同。






《華人低語》目前已在印尼發行。英文版本預計於2018年年底完成。你可以在拉妮的網站 [2]上找到她的作品,也可以透過Facebook專頁 [4]Instagram [5]與她聯絡。
