斐濟《線上安全法》(Online Safety Act)在20192019年1月正式生效,各界擔憂該法將被用於網路審查。
The Fijian Government in its commitment to ensure access to connectivity for all Fijians, has embarked on promoting a safe online culture and environment in hindsight of the recent increase of reports on harmful online behaviour such as cyberbullying, cyber stalking, Internet trolling and exposure to offensive or harmful content, particularly in respect of children.
自從2006年軍方發動政變後,斐濟媒體變由國家掌控。2010年,該國通過《媒體產業發展法》(Media Industry Development Decree),該法縱使承認新聞自由,但各界仍因恐懼國家報復,因而促使媒體業者自我審查。但另一方面,近年來社群媒體的使用頻率日趨增加,人民可以藉由這些平台分享他們的觀點、報導所選的新聞,並吸引公務人員參與。
Opponents of the Online Safety Bill say that it's undemocratic. What is democratic about lewd pictures going viral? What if it was your daughter or granddaughter? Will opposition take responsibility for that? #FijiNews #FijiPol #FijiParl #Fiji pic.twitter.com/ZbuSTylAxV
— FijiFirst (@FJFirstOfficial) May 16, 2018
斐濟的主流媒體《斐濟太陽報》(Fiji Sun Online)發表了一篇支持這項法案的社論:
The Online Safety Bill if passed will protect Fijians from being victimised on social media as is rampant today. It will make online users think twice before they post things online.
南太平洋大學(University of the South Pacific)的喬普‧提萊(Jope Tarai)指出,根據《線上安全法》第六條的規定,提擬的線上安全委員會(Online Safety Commission)似乎在模仿且複製警察網路犯罪部門(Cyber Crime Unit)的職能。除了設立監管互聯網內容的新機構外,該法律還賦予線上安全委員會更多的權力,「令人為對於言論自由的潛在威脅感到憂心」。
The Act on the surface professes online ‘Safety’, while its vagueness on responsible free speech leaves the act open to being a Trojan horse for online ‘Regulation’ and censorship of dissenting voices.
The claimed intent behind the Online Safety Act is certainly a noble one and long overdue in so far as protecting women, children and victims of irresponsible online behavior is concerned. However, the ‘danger’ narrative creatively cultivated by Fijian state officials ignored the strengths of social media.
We are a group of individual youth concerned about the effect of this Bill on free speech in Fiji. While we appreciate the need to protect children and men and women against revenge porn or unauthorized sharing of their intimate images or videos, we are concerned that this Bill is too widely drafted, that it can be misused by those in authority to punish and prosecute those who share their views, who do not share the same political views i.e. it can be misused to prosecute political opponents, rather than serve its purpose to protect children against cyberbullying or other online abuse.
我們是一群年輕的個體,關心這項法令對斐濟言論自由的影響。雖然我們理解有必要保護兒童及成年男女避免那些「情色報復」(Revenge porn),或是避免未經授權分享他們的私人照片或影像;但我們擔心,《線上安全法》草擬的內容太過包山包海,會被那些掌權者濫用來懲罰並起訴那些分享自己觀點,而沒有分享和掌權者有相同政治觀點的人。換句話說,該法律會被濫用來起訴政治對手,而不是為了保護兒童免受網路霸凌或是其他網路濫用行徑。
最後,區域網路媒體太平洋自由論壇(Pacific Freedom Forum,簡稱PPF)警告,新的線上安全法將會「封鎖〔言論〕」,而非保護斐濟的人民。PFF玻里尼西亞聯合主席莫妮卡.米勒(Monica Miller)表示:
More than half a million citizens are now affected by this law and they need to be reassured that their rights to share ideas and information won’t be compromised even further.