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類別: 東亞, Myanmar 緬甸, History 歷史, Refugees 難民, War & Conflict 戰爭與衝突, 人權, 公民媒體, 政治

羅興亞難民社區。照片經由夏希達‧圖拉加諾瓦(Shahida Tulaganova)授權提供。


由資深戰地記者夏希達‧圖拉加諾瓦 [2](Shahida Tulaganova)執導的電影《放逐 [3]》(Exiled),以羅興亞難民、前緬甸政府官員和激進佛教徒的視角,「揭露了緬甸在若開邦(Rakhine)逐漸升溫的暴力行為中的根源」。片中也訪問了被指控策劃整起迫害羅興亞人政策的前緬甸軍情局高官欽紐(Khin Nyunt)將軍。


近年來,在若開邦有部分羅興亞人和激進佛教團體爆發種族衝突。針對多為穆斯林的羅興亞人之仇視言論在網路上擴大 [4]

從2017年開始,在政府軍隊和若開羅興亞救世軍(Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army,簡稱ARSA)發生衝突後,數千名羅興亞人被迫 [5]逃離他們的家鄉。

許多人權組織長期報導羅興亞人在各種難民營生活惡化的情況,也批評自2015年起掌權的翁山蘇姬政府 [6],持續先前軍政府的「滅族」政策。


電影《放逐》解釋了羅興亞人承受暴力行為的歷史背景 [7]


It was very important for me to show the whole story and talk to people who set up the system of extermination of Rohingya, like former chief of Burmese military intelligence, General Khin Nyut, and show that exodus of 2017 is not a sporadic, one off outcome of violence. It has been happening as of 1978, but the world didn't know about it.



I had to sign several papers saying that I will not travel anywhere near Rakhine state and I had to sign those. However, I was desperate to get the point of view of people who live there, so I had to think of a Plan B. So, I have found a courageous and very talented Burmese film-director who was willing to travel to Rakhine state and interview people on my behalf. And it all worked out. Unfortunately, I was given visa for 10 days only and I was feeling like Cinderella, who has to manage to get access and film everyone I had to in such a short time. But I had fantastic and very experienced field producers in Burma who made it happen.



I wish people in Myanmar see this film since it is not only about Rohingya, it is about all ethnic minorities, which face persecutions for years. I believe, that Myanmar audience can learn a lot from this film.

My target audience is the world. I tried to tell the story of genocide and this is a universal story. What happened to Rohingya echoes to what had happened to Jews during the Second World War, to Bosnians during Yugoslav war and etc- this is a story about state-organized and planned systematic extermination of an entire ethnic group. And when I talk about extermination, with Rohingya it is not only physical extermination. It is about denial of education, healthcare, childbirth – the system which is ultimately designed to kill them morally and physically. This is the most horrible part of their story for me.




製作團隊的部分成員。照片經由夏希達‧圖拉加諾瓦(Shahida Tulaganova)授權提供。


First and foremost, the UN and other agencies operating in the Rakhine state should recognize that they have failed both the Rakhine Buddhists and Rohingya Muslims. UN was trying to play it safe and in many instances, refused to call Rohingya -Rohingya, because of the insistence [9] of Burmese officials. So did many other foreign countries. This is wrong.

I think that serious sanctions have to be imposed on Burmese officials (military and political). I think that the world powers should recognize this is a genocide and put pressure on the government of Burma to get their act together and recognize Rohingya as nationals of Myanmar without any verification process, provide safe return of Rohingya to their villages and pay compensation for the loss of their property.

首先,聯合國和其他在若開邦的機構應該認知到他們辜負了若開的佛教徒和羅興亞的穆斯林。聯合國曾試圖在很多場合打過安全牌,並且在緬甸官員的堅持 [9]之下,拒絕稱羅興亞人為羅興亞人。很多其他國家也這麼做,但這是錯的。

