
2019年11月26日阿爾巴尼亞杜拉索(Durrës)的地震災情。照片由Redi Muçi拍攝,經允許使用。


美國地質調查局(United States Geological Survey )研判震央深度大約20公里,包含首都在內的周圍城市都能感受到輕微搖晃。



#阿爾巴尼亞 發生6.4級地震,這棟位在 #聖金(Shëngjin)的大樓搖晃不已目前已有13位居民死亡、600人受傷。

— Xhildinho Z (@xhildinho) November 26, 2019

#杜拉索 的 #地震

災難現場第一回報!#阿爾巴尼亞 pic.twitter.com/6jS3Nb0Xiv

— Klaudja Karabolli (@KKarabolli) November 26, 2019

全球之聲訪問了目睹地拉那災情的建築工程師兼地質採礦學教授Redi Muçi:

記者Ardi Pulaj (AP):你去過的地區災情如何?

Redi Muçi (RM): I visited Durrës, but not Thumana (Fushë Krujë). These are the most affected areas. There is fear there will be more victims as there is news that many people are still trapped in the debris.

我去了杜拉索,不過沒去富舍克魯亞(Fushë Krujë)的Thumana 地區,這兩個地方災情最為嚴重。有消息指出還有許多民眾困在瓦礫堆中,我們擔心傷亡人數還在持續增加。


RM: There is a full mobilization of the military, firefighters, police, who are dealing with the situation on the scenes. All are doing their best, although there seems to be a problem in managing the situation. As they are digging the debris there are people who are not using proper protective gear such as helmets and gloves. This gives you the impression that they don’t know what they are doing. I believe there is a lack of special units trained to react in such situations.


2019年11月26日阿爾巴尼亞杜拉索的地震災情。照片由Redi Muçi拍攝,經允許使用。

AP: 照片中可以看到許多倒塌的房子,你對這情況有什麼看法?

RM: I met engineers that were evaluating the damages. The number isn’t sufficient. I am sure there is a lack of an emergency plan that takes into consideration the seismic micro zoning, the type of buildings and the quality of them. Also, there is a lack of a detailed rescue plan when there is a catastrophe. A big number of buildings are at risk of being destroyed by aftershocks. This is dangerous for all the inhabitants and we don’t know how we will get out of this situation. Over the past years we've seen buildings being built without a rigorous criteria regarding the structures and lacking a geology study.


阿爾巴尼亞總理拉瑪(Edi Rama)表示,國家機關正全體投入救災行動,同時呼籲民眾保持冷靜。反對黨領導人巴沙(Lulzim Basha)也召集民眾前往協助受災戶。總統梅塔(Ilir Meta)在總統府為罹難者降半旗,表示此舉是為了「紀念他們在這場災難中犧牲」。



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