
在〈曼谷人日常 01〉這幅畫作中,可以看到有位年輕人匆匆比出《飢餓遊戲》中的「三指禮」──追求民主改革的泰國年輕人,經常在相關示威活動中使用這個手勢(pssyppl 的數位作品,經許可使用)

2020 年,在泰國年輕人發起示威、尋求民主改革的時候,許多藝術家都表達了支持之意──Pssyppl 便是其中的一位。(當地的)BK 雜誌將他描述為「新銳藝術家及設計師,長於數位創作;其畫風黑暗、反映現實,並常帶諷刺。」

在那篇專文中,BK 雜誌為讀者介紹了包括 Pssyppl 在內的幾位(抗爭藝術)創作者;而 Pssyppl 本人的藝術願景,正符合雜誌對他的描述:

My digital artwork focuses on events that are happening around me—events that leave me with a certain feeling inside my head, and then that feeling is molded and visualized in a sarcastic way through digital paintings. The reason I did these pieces is because of anger—anger that I cannot say anything or do anything to resist this corrupt system [that rules Thailand]. Art is my only way to express this smoldering emotion inside my mind.


從 Pssyppl 在 Instagram 上所發布的數位作品,不難看出他創作的原動力確實有很大一部分是源於「憤怒」。像以下的這幅作品,就描繪了泰國人是如何挺身而出,反抗政府動輒利用刑法 112 條(即 lèse-majesté冒犯君主罪)進行逮捕,壓制民眾批評王室的聲音。

新聞網站 New Naratif 曾經特別介紹過這幅作品,同時附上了 Pssyppl 的創作理念作為說明:

We the people have been oppressed, manipulated and controlled by higher powers for as long as I remember. Now that their ivory tower has started to tremble, it’s time for us to rise up for a better future not just for ourselves, but also for the generations to come.


在另一幅作品中,他批評的對象則是軍方──泰國軍方曾在 2014 年發動政變;即便在 2019 年的大選過後,主導「民選」政府的,也依舊是軍方勢力。

I symbolised this rotten system of Thailand into the character of a general. The system that barks order at you and you will follow. The system that tells you from the other side of the poster that you already have a good life, don’t ask questions, don’t try to change the way things are. The system that hides all those bodies of the people that try to fight for their life, distorting history and turns people against each other. In the end, this is just a poster. You either choose to believe in the ‘system’ that is trying to control you through the artwork, or together, we can fight the system and tear it down to the ground.



我透過推特採訪了 Pssyppl,談到藝術在泰國民主示威運動中所扮演的角色:

In my opinion, in the country where people cannot speak out the fact and spread out the truth, art, music, performance and any other form of expression other than words are quite important. They are the alternative ways for people to express their feelings, to make people listen.




我也問了他,對於 2021 年這場民運的前景有何看法:

We have come a long way since the coup seven years ago. The fight is going to be long and it might last longer than 2021 in my opinion. I can’t really tell what the future would hold, but changes are coming and the glimpse of hope is starting to surface. Now that there’s covid-19 around, we have more responsibility than before. It is going to be a slow process but I believe that we surely are progressing.

從七年前的政變到現在,我們已經走了很長的一段路。我認為,抗爭會持續很長一段時間,也許要持續到 2021 年以後。我也說不準將來到底會怎樣,但改變就要到來、希望就在眼前了。現在到處都是疫情,我們的責任也比以往要來得更重。這會是一個緩慢的過程,但我相信,我們已經有了一定的進展。


Pssyppl 還想對其他的藝術家說:

To me, it’s of utmost importance that you never doubt yourself. There’s gonna be the work you hate, you are gonna feel tired and confused whether you’ve chosen the right part. But if it’s what you love, never stop do art. If you fail, try and fail again until you fall in love with your failure.




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