

2017年12月27日,阿根廷非政府組織五月廣場祖母協會[es](Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo)宣布[es]尋獲了孫女第127號,這名最新被找到的孫女是瑪莉亞‧德‧卡門‧莫亞諾(María del Carmen Moyano)和卡洛斯‧波布雷特(Carlos Poblete)的女兒,兩人皆是阿根廷裴隆獨裁統治時期[en](胡安·多明戈·裴隆〈Juan Domingo Perón〉,其當政時期為1976-1983)遭綁架並失蹤的蒙特內羅斯組織[en](Montoneros organization)武裝分子。

譯註:五月廣場(Plaza de Mayo)位於布宜諾斯艾利斯市中心,自1977起成立的兩個組織「五月廣場母親協會」(Las Madres de Plaza de Mayo)和「五月廣場祖母協會」成員便在該廣場遊行,為了尋找自己消失了兒女或孫子女進行無聲的抗議。

網路新聞平台紅色收穫[es](Cosecha Roja)簡單講述了該名女子雙親的故事及其被綁架當時的境遇:

Con la llegada de la dictadura, los militares allanaron su casa y ella [María del Carmen Moyano] se mudó a San Juan, donde conoció a Carlos Poblete, un estudiante de Ingeniería 10 años mayor. “La pareja compartió militancia en la organizción Montoneros. Luego de seis meses decidieron vivir juntos”, contó Estela de Carlotto. Entre abril y mayo de 1977 Carlos y María del Carmen fueron secuestrados en Córdoba y trasladados al centro clandestino de detención La Perla. Ella ya estaba embarazada.

With the arrival of the dictatorship, the military raided her house and she [María del Carmen Moyano] moved to San Juan, where she met Carlos Poblete, an engineering student who was 10 years older than her. “The couple shared militancy in the Montoneros organization. After six months they decided to live together,” said Estela de Carlotto. Between April and May of 1977 Carlos and María del Carmen were kidnapped in Córdoba and taken to the clandestine detention center La Perla. She was already pregnant.

隨著獨裁政府上台,軍隊突搜了瑪莉亞的房子,隨後她搬到阿根廷的聖胡安省,在那裏她遇見了卡洛斯.波布雷特,一名長她十歲的工程系學生。人權鬥士艾思特拉‧德‧卡羅德[zht](Estela de Carlotto)表示:「兩人都有著蒙特內羅斯反叛組織分子的好戰性。六個月後,他們決定同居。」1977年,阿洛斯和瑪莉亞在科多巴遭綁架,被帶到為在拉佩拉(La Perla)的秘密拘留所,當時瑪莉亞已經懷有身孕。

孫女第127號(西文:Nieta 127,英文:Granddaughter 127;譯註:指第127名被找到且確認其真實出生的失蹤孫女)出生於1977年5月至6月間,一間設於海軍技師學校[en](Navy School of Mechanics,簡稱ESMA)中秘密拘留所的產房內。40年過去,她的兩名舅舅及七名阿姨紛紛歡慶家族史上懸而未解的重要一章終於可以結案,然而由於她的雙親至今生死未卜,使得家人心中的傷口依舊無法癒合。




We are going to tell her to not to worry. We're going to give her all the time in the world to process the situation. We searched for her for 40 years. We love her intensely.


這個時刻令人喜悅的程度,蓋過了近期這則新聞的衝擊力道:時任布宜諾斯艾利斯省警察廳廳長米蓋爾‧艾切哥拉赤(Miguel Etchecolaz)作為當年(譯註:1976年9月16日及17日)綁架、虐待與謀殺高中學生「鉛筆之夜案」[es](西文:Noche de los Lápices,英文:Night of the pencils,案件細節可參考1986年阿根廷同名電影)的主謀,近期被轉至家中監禁。

Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo confirmed the news. “The aunts of the granddaughter, who have been waiting for this meeting for 40 years, were present at the press conference” they said. The news surpassed that of the home confinement of Etchecolaz…



#孫女第127號#Nieta127)的貼文下,充斥著歡樂的氣氛,不過有些也混雜著對於替主責者伸張正義的憤慨與異議。被許多推特貼文轉載的一張照片中,「身分之家」(西文:la Casa por la Identidad,英文:the House of Identity,由五月廣場祖母協會管理)牆上的字跡,訴說著這些獨裁時代下被迫失蹤者的故事,以手寫的方式,細數著那些與家人團聚的孫子女們:

The House of Identity of the Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo, in @espacio_memoria has already accounted for the restitution of #Nieta127 We continue adding achievements and hopes! @abuelasdifusion

位於記憶與人權空間Espacio Memoria y Derechos Humanos)的五月廣場祖母協會「身分之家」已經回復了#孫女第127號的身分。我們會繼續努力並抱持希望!

La #Nieta127 was born in the ESMA. The repressor Jorge Luis Magnacco, the ESMA obstetrician who attended the birth, is free, after having served two-thirds of his sentence.

#孫女第127號在海軍技師學校出生。替她接生的海軍技師學校婦產科醫生豪爾赫‧路易斯‧馬格納科(Jorge Luis Magnacco)在服完三分之二的刑期之後已重獲自由。

It's late in arriving and at last, finally there is a reward. Welcome #Nieta127


We count from 1 to 127 and we will not stop counting. Thank you, Abuelas, and as Estela de Carlotto said: “Happy New Year and until the next grandchild.” #Nieta127 #Feliz2018

從1數到127,我們不會放棄繼續數下去。謝謝五月廣場祖母協會,就如同艾思特拉‧德‧卡羅德所說的:「新年快樂,我們在尋獲下一位孫子女的時候再見。」#孫女第127號 #歡慶2018

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