
雄性木蜂(Caroebter Bee,學名為Xylocopa mordax)。作為獨居蜂,木蜂會在木材、竹子和類似的硬木結構上挖洞築巢。它們能夠為豆科植物、鼠尾草、西番蓮和辣木授粉。(照片:Vaughan Turland/經許可使用)


2018年5月20日,聯合國首次慶祝世界蜜蜂日(World Bee Day),藉此向大眾介紹這些小巧卻舉足輕重的的授粉媒介物種,使人們認識牠們正在面臨的威脅以及對於永續發展可做出的貢獻。

2023年的世界蜜蜂日重點強調蜜蜂在農作物授粉中扮演的重要角色。根據聯合國糧食與農業組織(UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation,以下簡稱FAO),四分之三的糧食作物至少都部分依賴於授粉媒介來授粉。





——聯合國糧食與農業組織(@FAO)May 16, 2023

為了更好地了解蜜蜂的重要性和影響,本文作者以電郵的方式採訪了Dorienne Rowan-Campbell。她來自牙買加,曾是一名記者和發展專家。如今,她是一位種植有機咖啡的農民。由於牙買加是69種蜜蜂的家園,她敏銳地意識到了授粉媒介、氣候變化和人類活動對其作物的影響。

Rowan-Campbell的職業生涯大部分時間都在牙買加和加拿大從事新聞工作。她對國際發展的興趣促使她與安大略電視台(TV Ontario)共同製作了一個13期的系列節目「One World」。後來,她離開了加拿大廣播公司(Canadian Broadcasting Corporation,簡稱CBC),並在大英國協秘書處(Commonwealth Secretariat)負責婦女和發展計畫。她還是該計畫的首位女性負責人以大英國協秘書長(Commonwealth Secretary General)的顧問。

1987年,Rowan-Campbell回到牙買加。她開始擔任顧問,處理與婦女、性別、政策、環境和變革管理有關的問題。五年後,由於她的父母都移居到加拿大,她繼承了她父親牙買加狹小且失修的咖啡種植園,開啟建立有機農場的漫長之路。如今,她是牙買加咖啡種植者協會(Jamaica Coffee Growers Association)的副主席。她不僅代表著小型生產者,還將其農場作為對咖啡種植有興趣的農民的培訓基地,特別培訓婦女和年輕人。她也是唯一一個通過美國農業部國家有機計畫(National Organic Program of USDA,簡稱NOP)法規、歐盟EC標準、加拿大有機認證標準(Canada Organic Regime,簡稱COR)和日本農林規格(Japanese Agricultural Standards,簡稱JAS)的牙買加藍山咖啡(Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee)有機生產商。

來自牙買加的有機農民——Dorienne Rowan-Campbell。(照片:Rowan Royale Farms/經許可使用)

Emma Lewis(本文作者,以下简称「EL」): 請介紹您的農場。請問您種植什麼作物?在哪裡種植它們呢?

Dorienne Rowan-Campbell (DRC): My farm is Rowan's Royale. This year will be our 21st year of international organic certification. We are a small, woman-owned, family-managed farm perched 4,000 feet up in the Blue Mountains of West Portland, Jamaica, close to Silver Hill Gap. Our main crop is coffee, but as an organic farm, we grow ginger, turmeric, greens, bananas, plantains, root crops, lemons, mulberries … and we ensure that native grasses and bushes are preserved and wildflowers encouraged. The farm is highly shaded, although we are continually replacing trees that have been downed in hurricanes and storms.

Dorienne Rowan-Campbell(以下簡稱「DRC」):我的農場叫做 Rowan's Royale。今年是我們拿到國際有機認證的第21年。我們是一家規模小、由女性擁有、並且採取家庭式管理的農場。農場位於牙買加藍山西波特蘭區海拔4000英尺處,靠近白銀山峽(Silver Hill Gap)。 我們主要種植咖啡,但作為一個有機農場,我們也種植姜、薑黃、青菜、香蕉、大蕉、塊根作物、檸檬、桑葚…… 此外,我們會確保原生草和灌木的生長不被干擾,並讓野花自由生長。儘管我們還在不斷重植在颶風和狂風暴雨中倒塌的樹木,這個農場依然綠樹成蔭。


DRC: We have so many flowering bushes and trees and wildflowers that bees visit the farm. A study initiated for the Jamaica Coffee Growers Association in 2018 found three types of bees on the farm, not just honey bees. Each year during the coffee flowering season I have hives on the farm from a neighbouring farmer, who is a bee farmer but uses no chemicals in his practice. He tells me the quality of the honey from the bees on the farm is high as the bees have lots of food and [are in] no danger from chemicals. While he reaps the honey, I have large numbers of bees on the farm to help with pollination, particularly of the coffee. My farm manger now has one hive and is learning about beekeeping so next year he will have bees on the farm.

DRC:我們的農場有許多開花的灌木叢和樹木以及野花,足以吸引蜜蜂停駐。2018年,一項為牙買加咖啡種植者協會(Jamaica Coffee Growers Association)發起的研究顯示,在我的農場中共發現了三種蜂,不單單只是蜜蜂(honey bees)。一到每年咖啡樹開花的季節,我都會從一位鄰近的農民那裡得到蜂箱。他是個養蜂人,但他從來不在養蜂時使用化學製品。他告訴我,蜂蜜的品質之所以能夠這麼高,是因為蜜蜂獲得了充足的食物,而且沒有接觸過化學製品。當他採收蜂蜜時,我的農場裡便會出現大量蜜蜂來為作物授粉,特別是咖啡。目前我的農場經理擁有一個蜂箱,並且正在學習養蜂知識。到了明年,他將會在農場裡養蜂。

在加勒比地區,Centris decolorata相當於熊蜂(Bumblebee)。它們通常生活在具有北方氣候的地方。這種體型肥碩的蜜蜂會為大型的熱帶花卉授粉。(照片:Vaughan Turland/經許可使用)


DRC: Bees are efficient pollinators. Although we have birds and other insects that do pollinate, bees are what we welcome most and for the most part, we have taken them for granted. Now that we see fewer bees around on our farms, our pollination is less effective. Without good pollination, you have less production [but] even without having a few hives on the farm, we get lots of bees coming in at flowering times. We see them and hear the hum in the air. We see them on pumpkin blossoms and varieties of squash and greens, as well as on the many trees we have that blossom and attract the bees.



DRC: Major threats are the chemicals we apply on our farms, which kill bees. But our general farming practices also affect the bees: clear cutting, and drastic weeding involves much of the wildflowers, bushes and flowering trees, on which a wild bee population thrives. Increasing urbanisation is removing trees and bushes from our cities and towns and replacing grass-covered verges. ‘Upgraded’ highways take in swathes of land where bees used to be able to find pollen. Many of those trees and bushes are never replaced along the highways


牙買加蘭花蜂(Jamaican Orchid Bee,學名為Euglossa jamaicensis)是牙買加的特有品種。它們並不是「善於交際」的蜜蜂。雄性的牙買加蘭花蜂會從它們授粉的花卉中採集花蜜,作為製造香水的材料。(照片:Vaughan Turland/經許可使用)

EL:甚麼品種的蜜蜂會為農作物授粉呢?雖然蜜蜂(honey bees)很常見,但許多野生蜜蜂和獨居蜂都瀕臨絕種。請問您見過哪些品種的蜜蜂?

DRC: I know we get wild and solitary bees on the farm, but I have no expert knowledge of exactly what they are. We just welcome them and leave as much food for them as possible, which is why they come.



DRC: Yes, the flowering periods are far less predictable. The initial work on the project meant that it was nigh impossible for the researchers to map out when to be in certain areas and how to get there when flowering started. The roads are poor, four-wheel drives were needed, and the funds simply could not cover the increasing transport costs. However, they found some areas with very few bees. Climate change also affects the quality of the flowering. Research in other countries has indicated that a rise in temperature causes deformities in the blossoms themselves, as well as fewer blossoms.


條紋油蜂(又稱Striped Oil-Digger,學名為Centris fasciata)是一種在牙買加發現的野生蜜蜂。它也可能在大安地列斯群島的其他地區生存。(照片:Vaughan Turland/經許可使用)


DRC: Agriculture in Jamaica is driven by the chemical companies. Note the offers of [webinar] training from two local companies almost every week. [One] even offered something on ‘organic production,’ but it was clear they were not knowledgeable about organic farming. They mostly read from the Jamaica Organic Agriculture Movement (JOAM) handbook and then promoted their ‘organic’ products.

If we are going to survive in agriculture and manage climate crises, we need to move to sustainable practices; organic practices are the foundation of these. People don't need to get certified. They need to understand that — as the FAO points out — organically managed soils can adapt to flooding and drought. Several years ago, [after] extended drought and fires on coffee plantations, most farmers lost the seedlings they had planted out. My farm lost three — we are rain-fed and had no rain from the end of June into August.

Successive governments have said they espouse organic production, but there has been no policy developed, although this ‘work’ has been in process since 2004! Any action has been from NGOs and private sector farmers … but this is not sustainable. A JOAM team developed the standard for the Bureau of Standards of Jamaica (BSJ) and for the Caribbean Community (CARICOM). However, instead of encouraging its use, a hefty fee for a copy of the standard (approximately JMD 9,277 or USD 60) is charged by the BSJ. Also, no action is taken when products are labelled ‘organic’ without requisite third party verification. So farmers ask why should they pay for certification when the certification is not protected? The National Certification Body of Jamaica (NCBJ) now offers certification, but no one is sure of their rates and the process is drawn out.

The Jamaican government needs to establish a competent authority for organic agriculture, a policy and more training for the Rural Agricultural Development Authority (RADA).

DRC:牙買加的農業活動是由化學公司負責的。幾乎每個星期都會有兩家本地公司以網路研討會的形式提供培訓。其中一家甚至提供了有關「有機生產、的培訓。但很顯然地,他們對有機農業並不了解,沒有專業知識。大部分的他們都通過閱讀牙買加有機農業組織(Jamaica Organic Agriculture Movement,以下簡稱JOAM)的手冊來推廣他們的「有機」產品。


歷屆政府曾表明他們支持有機生產,然而卻遲遲沒有制定相關的政策,儘管這個計畫自2004年以來就一直在進行中!只有非政府組織(NGOs)和私人領域的農民對此採取過行動,但不是持續性的。一個JOAM小組曾制定標準,並將其計畫提交給牙買加標準局(Bureau of Standards of Jamaica,以下簡稱BSJ)和加勒比共同體(Caribbean Community,簡稱CARICOM)。然而,BSJ非但沒有鼓勵使用該標準,反而對該標準的副本收取高昂的費用(大約9,277牙買加元或60美元)。此外,對於缺乏第三方認證的有機產品,有關單位也沒有採取任何行動。所以,在該認證根本沒有受到保護的情況下,農民紛紛質疑他們需要為該認證付費的理由。目前,牙買加國家認證機構(National Certification Body of Jamaica,簡稱NCBJ)能夠為有機產品提供認證,但卻弊端重重。認證的手續十分漫長,而且沒有人能夠確保其收費合理。

牙買加政府所需要的,是建立一個專業的有機農業機構,制定合理的政策,以及提供農業部農村農業發展機構(Rural Agricultural Development Authority,簡稱RADA)更多培訓。



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