憂糖尿病找上門 新加玻人遭勸少吃點米飯

A bowl of white rice in a restaurant in Singapore. Photo by Charles Haynes. Source: Flickr, CC License

在新加坡餐廳的一碗白飯。照片來源:Charles Haynes,Flickr,CC License。

新加坡健康促進局( Health Promotion Board,簡稱HPB)呼籲民眾吃些比較健康的米種,表示比起含糖類飲料,白米更是潛在的糖尿病誘因。


海峽時報(Straits Times)在(2016年)5月6日報導了一篇新加坡健康促進局的報告,主要以資訊圖表顯示一碗白飯含有比汽水多出兩倍量的碳水化合物。



Rice and other grains have been eaten by humans as their main food for over 10,000 years.

It was only after the Industrial Revolution less than 300 years ago that sugar became more affordable and entered the mainstream diet. And only in the last 50 years or so that sugar consumption rose sharply.

So throughout most of human history, average sugar consumption was near zero. In modern societies today, sugar consumption is as high as 70 kg per person per year. This sharp rise in sugar consumption – along with a rise in the consumption of food chemicals and artificial foods – corresponds with the rise in modern degenerative diseases.

To say that rice is worse than sugar is simply ludicrous.





前新聞記者Ian Tan則表示,他認為使用如此轟動的大標題和資訊圖表來出版報導,是相當不負責任的:

Now that there is news or talk that rice is bad for you, many people will just go to the extreme and stop eating rice. Then when their health goes awry, they blame everything but their hysteria, ignorance and inability to think or research for themselves.

Don’t even start considering such silly ideas like substituting soft drinks for rice, despite what a newspaper infographic may imply. You will just get fatter and dead faster than you’ve ever feared.




譯者:Jenny Chang

校對:Conny Chang

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