
位於瓦爾紮紮特的亞特力士影城(Altlas Studio,註:依其官方網站簡介,為北非第一座影城)。照片來源:Andrzej Wójtowicz,2013年5月2日,照片分享網站Flicker。

位於瓦爾紮紮特的亞特力士影城(Altlas Studio,註:依其官方網站簡介,此為北非第一座影城)。照片來源: Andrzej Wójtowicz,2013年5月2日分享於Flicker


在瓦爾紮紮特拍攝的電影包括由麥克‧紐威爾(Mike Newell)所執導的《波斯王子:時之刃》(Prince of Persia)、由彼得‧威爾(Peter Weir)所執導的《自由之路》(The Way Back)、由布萊恩‧狄帕瑪(Brian De Palma)所執導的《不可能的任務》(Mission Impossible)、由阿蘭‧夏巴(Alain Chabat)所執導的《美麗新世界2:女王任務》(Asterix and Obelix: Mission Cleopatra)、由阿利安卓·崗札雷·伊納利圖(Alejandro G. Iñárritu)所執導的《火線交錯》(Babel)、以及由雷利‧史考特(Ridley Scott)所執導的《神鬼戰士》(Gladiator)。這些作品使得瓦爾紮紮特被譽為「摩洛哥的好萊塢」(the Hollywood of Morocco)。

最引人入勝的景點為坐落於瓦爾紮紮特的阿特力士影城(Atlas Studio)。這座在大漠中占地20英尺的影城成立於1983年,是世界上最大的電影製片廠之一,其入口豎立著數座幾公尺高的法老雕像、上面配戴著曾在電影中亮相的黃金頭飾。

旅遊部落客Hjalmar Gerbig在YouTube上上傳了一段他近期到瓦爾紮紮特的旅遊片段。



Considered as the “Moroccan Hollywood”, Ouarzazate offers to productions striking outdoor setting such as oases, Kasbahs, valleys, mountains and dunes.

Ouarzazate has an international airport, efficient health infrastructures, hotels of various categories, and movie studios with international standards with sets of various types : Roman, Egyptian, etc…

Due to the various shootings hosted in Ouarzazate, a skilled and cost effective work force of technicians was developed along with a multiethnic population as extras, local service provider companies, the various transport and catering suppliers, and technicians are constantly present in Ouarzazate.




該城甚至有一座電影博物館,更有許多電影拍攝的痕跡-例如電影《阿拉伯的羅倫斯》(Lawrence of Arabia)和《達賴的一生》(Kundun)的長拍鏡頭以及其他電影的經典橋段。人們可以拜訪在《達賴的一生》中出現的西藏房屋,欣賞金黃色的內部還有佛像,而《賓漢》中的奴隸船以及他的船繩、木頭長凳和木頭天花板也能在這裡找到。

亞特力士影城中舊的埃及場景。照片來源: Andrzej Wójtowicz,2013年5月2日分享於Flicker


It was an incredible experience overall. It's not everyday you get the chance to relive moments from your favorite television series. To see in actual the place where Emilia Clarke and Peter Dinklage filmed and being in one of your dream destinations all at the same time was actually surreal and mesmerizing. It's crazy and it's awesome! I don't recommend it to those with weak knees and joint problems, but if you are big fans of Gladiator and Game of Thrones who enjoy discovering historical sites, then Ait Benhaddou in Ouarzazate would be up your alley for sure.

整體而言這是一次不可思議的經驗。不是每天都有機會可以重溫你最喜愛的電視影集的畫面。可以親眼看到艾蜜莉亞‧克拉克(Emilia Clarke)和彼得‧汀克萊傑(Peter Dinklage)當時拍片的地點,而且還能同時身處於你的夢想目的地,這整件事真的非常超現實而且令人如痴如醉。這真是太瘋狂而且太棒了!我不建議有膝蓋和關節問題的人來這裡,但如果你是《神鬼戰士》和《權力遊戲》的影迷,而且樂於探索歷史遺跡,那麼瓦爾紮紮特的艾本哈杜古城(Ait Benhaddou)必定合你的胃口。


衛報引用了紀錄片製作人Karim Aitouma的話,Karim Aitouma最近拍攝了一部紀錄瓦爾紮紮特臨時演員們的紀錄片,並表示臨時演員們甚至必須要留著「工作用的鬍子」來吸引西方觀眾:

When they know a Hollywood film is coming, they grow beards. It’s a very important criteria for the castings – for the historical films but also because they’ll play in terrorist films. They all have beards all the time, not because they want it but because they’re waiting for casting.


一位摩洛哥的製片Othmane Naciri在一段國際公共電台(PRI.org)的專訪中,即表示他認為好萊塢製片們對於他的國家了解甚少:

OK, Morocco, where is it? North Africa? Sand, desert? OK, that’s perfect. It’s cheaper for us to shoot there than the Arizona desert and it’s safer to shoot there than the real Iraq so that’s the best compromise.



The Moroccan people are cast as typical Arab profile: terrorist, bad guys, according to the American point of view. You know, we are not so far from the Western point of view of the 50s — with the good, the bad and the ugly!


記者Mohamed Koné將這些議題混整後做出了結論,指出摩洛哥製片們正在挑戰採用不同的敘事角度,而且已經有些成效了。

Les cinéastes marocains tentent de défier le cliché terroriste en exportant leur propre image du pays, et de ses gens. […] Une première reconnaissance déjà, des films marocains ont récemment intégré le festival de Cannes.



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