

埃及人口發展部長哈拉.尤瑟夫(Hala Yousef)曾於2015年指出,埃及15%的婚姻屬於童婚,儘管2008年已將婚姻年齡限制提高到18歲,童婚在社會上仍時有所聞,特別是在貧困地區。


一份2001年的調查指出,29%的已婚兒童曾遭丈夫拳腳相向。開羅美國大學(American University of Cairo)社會研究中心2014年的研究則發現,18歲以下的已婚女孩中,27%有過被家暴的經驗。


The continuous persecution of women human rights defenders such as Azza Soliman and Mozn Hassan… establishes and reinforces a pattern of systematic repression of the Egyptian women’s rights movement, aiming to silence and intimidate those working tirelessly for justice, human rights and equality.

政府持續迫害包括阿札.索利曼(Azza Soliman)和莫茲.哈山(Mozn Hassan)等女權人士……這些舉動在社會上製造出一股反對女權的氣氛,並加深對女權運動的壓迫,試圖恫嚇這些為正義、人權及平等奔走不懈的運動人士,為的就是要讓他們噤聲。

為瞭解相關問題,全球之聲特別採訪致力於女權運動超過十年的埃及社運人士薩瑪.摩瑟爾(Samah Mansur)。

埃及女權運動人士薩瑪.摩瑟爾(Samah Mansur)。相片經允許使用。

摩瑟爾任職於「適當溝通技巧發展中心」(Appropriate Communication Techniques for Development Center,簡稱ACT)的性別與婦女權益單位,同時也是「拒絕兒童販賣」(Say No To Child Trafficking)計劃的成員,該組織致力於監督和記錄埃及的兒童販賣和童婚問題。她也協助發起「正視騷擾」(I Saw Harassment)計劃,希望引起大眾的關注、遏止埃及的性騷擾歪風。


作者(Nevena Borisova,以下簡稱「NB」):可以跟我們談談您開始從事女權運動的契機嗎?

Samah Mansur (SM): I’ve been fortunate to come from a family where volunteering is considered absolutely important. My parents believed that the best gift they could ever give me is to help people in need. I was allowed to spend copious amount of time at charities, and shelters to help orphans, battered women, and people in need, beyond what I was taught in school and so nurtured me into volunteer lover that I am today. Since 2003, I have been involved in the non-profit sector and I joined the Appropriate Communication Techniques for Development (ACT) which works on fighting all types of violence against women. I am lucky because I am able to choose what to do and I am absolutely passionate about everything I do.



SM: In Egypt, child marriage and child trafficking are a social phenomenon which primarily affects girls who live in extreme poverty in rural areas, and is becoming more prevalent in urban areas, as well as in Upper Egypt. Twelve percent of them are married before they turn eighteen. One major contributing factor is the wealthy men from Egypt, and the Arab region, including the Gulf Countries, who frequently visit Egypt to acquire “temporary marriages and tourism marriages” with underage girls. Girls below the age of fourteen are forced into marriage. These marriages are often facilitated by the girl’s parents and are arranged through marriage brokers, sheikhs, lawyers, community leaders, etc., who take bribes for registering these illegal marriages of underage girls. After a while, these girl brides are in very vulnerable positions. They are either left abandoned and pregnant, taken by force to serve as maids in faraway households, or in many cases subjected to abortions.

These marriages, considered a form of child trafficking and modern day slavery, force young brides to work as maids and servants in abusive settings where a monthly compensation is received and channeled by special brokers. The money goes to the girl’s unemployed male siblings and father.




SM: Sexual harassment is a major problem in Egypt. Studies show that large majorities of women have been subjected to it, often on the street or public transportation. And the problem is deeply rooted. For this reason I participated in establishing the I Saw Harassment Initiative which works on monitoring and documenting sexual harassment crimes against women.



SM: Egypt ranks low in gender equity. The 2015 Global Gender Gap Index, ranks Egypt at 136 out of 145 countries worldwide. Women have significantly lower participation in the labor force than men (26% vs 79%) and lower literacy (65% literacy for women vs 82% of males).

We have 89 (14.9%) women in the parliament, 14 are appointed and 75 are elected.



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