主辦支持港獨對談 《金融時報》編輯馬凱遭香港政府拒發簽證

10月6日民間人權陣線(Civil Human Rights Front,簡稱民陣)在入境事務處舉旗抗議香港政府拒絕核發簽證。照片來源:香港自由媒體(Hong Kong Free Press,簡稱HKFP)記者Tom Grundy。

本篇為英文網路媒體香港自由媒體(Hong Kong Free Press,簡稱HKFP)在2018年10月5日至6日間所發行知各篇文章的彙整報導,根據與「全球之聲」的合作協議刊登於此。

《金融時報》(Financial Times)一名的發言人向香港自由媒體表示,香港已經拒絕重新核准簽證給金融時報新聞編輯兼香港外國記者會(The Foreign Correspondents’ Club, Hong Kong,簡稱FCC)副主席馬凱(Victor Mallet)。

This is the first time we have encountered this situation in Hong Kong, and we have not been given a reason for the rejection.


Hong Kong is a special administrative region of China with more economic and personal freedoms than the mainland, a set-up known as “One Country, Two Systems.” In recent years, Beijing has pressured Hong Kong to pass new laws that strengthen the “One Country” part of the principle.




這件事情發生在香港政府採納了警察的建議,在9月底禁止香港民族黨(Hong Kong National Party )組黨之後。

香港外國記者會對於香港政府所做的此一裁定深感憂慮,並且呼籲當局撤銷裁定,認為此一作法缺乏任何合理的解釋。 香港外國記者會在一份聲明中表示:

The FCC is expecting a full explanation from the Hong Kong authorities for this extraordinary move, which is extremely rare, if not unprecedented.


《紐約時報》(New York Times)發言人艾琳‧墨菲(Eileen Murphy)指出,有關於任何領土簽證政治化都「非常令人擔憂」。

We’re troubled that the government in Hong Kong may be preparing to expel a respected colleague at The Financial Times whose application for a routine visa renewal has been rejected without explanation, and we are seeking clarification from the authorities…Hong Kong’s commitment to freedom of speech and rule of law has long attracted international businesses and news organizations to the city, including The New York Times.



英國外交和聯邦事務部(UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office)發言人表示,對馬凱簽證續簽遭駁回一事感到「擔憂」:

We have asked the Hong Kong Government for an urgent explanation. Hong Kong’s high degree of autonomy and its press freedoms are central to its way of life, and must be fully respected.



The rejection of a renewal of a work visa for Financial Times correspondent and Foreign Correspondent’s Club Vice President Victor Mallet is deeply troubling…This decision is especially disturbing because it mirrors problems faced by international journalists in the Mainland and appears inconsistent with the principles enshrined in the Basic Law.


許多的國際及非政府組織都發聲反對香港政府做的決定。在10月6日星期六,非政府組織聯盟香港公民人權陣線(Civil Human Rights Front,簡稱民陣)在移民局外抗議簽證決定。

大陸非政府組織人權研究員王松蓮(Maya Wang))對與香港政府此舉感到驚訝而且令人無法預期:

The Hong Kong authorities’ visa renewal rejection—without explanation—of a journalist who’s done nothing more than his job smacks of Beijing-style persecution of critics… it indicates a quickening downward spiral for human rights in Hong Kong: that the Hong Kong government is now following Beijing’s leads in acting aggressively towards those whose views the authorities dislike.



Freedom of speech and press freedom are the foundations of Hong Kong’s success. The denial of [Mallet’s] visa will further harm press freedom and freedom of speech, and it will severely harm Hong Kong’s status as an international city.


無國界記者組織(Reporters Without Borders,簡稱RSF)敦促當局改變他們的決定:

This is clearly a form of retaliation for his involvement in the public talk organized in August by FCCHK, which angered Beijing by featuring a pro-Hong Kong independence activist. Such action is yet another proof that the Chinese authorities are extending their policy of intimidating foreign journalists to the territory of Hong Kong.


來自香港普遍定期審議聯盟(Hong Kong UPR Coalition)的代表-由45個非政府組織所組成-將於下週前往日內瓦,在即將舉行的聯合國普遍定期審議會議(United Nations Universal Periodic Review)會前會中發表演說,並與其他成員國的代表討論此事件。 聯盟成員Demosisto在一份聲明中表示:

The Beijing authorities need to respond now more than ever to its decision to suppress press freedom in Hong Kong, as its state of human rights is being evaluated on by other Member States in the upcoming session, as is its duty as a member of the United Nations.


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