


我的靈魂是愛做的》是陳敏郎所執導的一部劇情長片,上月剛剛在華語世界最為盛大、歷史也最悠久的金馬盛典上奪得了一座獎項;而它所講述的故事,是關於一位身為同志的年輕教師,夾在家人、愛人和同事之間,嘗試出櫃、尋求接納的種種掙扎。這是陳敏郎的第二部長片,預計將在 12 月 6 日正式上映。這位台灣導演出生於 1970 年,在移居〔美國〕、前往紐約大學修讀電影之前,曾在台灣服役、並以中尉身分退役;2013 年,他推出了畢業後的首部劇情長片《你的今天和我的明天》,其講述的便是一個來自台灣的移民,在紐約這座城市的背景之下,找尋自我、探索性向的故事


Filip Noubel(FN):是什麼讓你會想要去拍《我的靈魂是愛做的》這樣一部電影?

Ming Lang Chen: My initial idea was to make a movie about a gay couple in which one is HIV positive, and the other isn't. Eventually, the story evolved, and I decided to make the movie in Taiwan. The main plot follows Kevin, a 26-year-old high school teacher who teaches civic education in Taiwan. He falls in love with another man, and discovers two things about him later: That this man is married to a woman and that he is HIV positive. Kevin is thus faced with a number of challenges: He has to face his own mother with whom he still lives and with whom he talks about the man he loves; then there is the fear of AIDS, and finally he also needs to face his lover's wife. On top of that, someone spreads a rumor at his school that he is HIV positive. The school then tries to force him to resign, as it is illegal to fire someone based on their HIV status in Taiwan. So the main theme is really how one faces pressure at a rather young age. The Teacher is about human communication, it shows a wide range of delicate emotions, I wouldn't say it is just a gay movie.



MLC: Taiwan is very friendly towards LGBT film production. Every year the the Golden Horse Award, which started in 1962, has at least one or two LGBT-themed movies competing for an award. In 1993, the gay-themed movie Wedding Banquet by Taiwanese and now global filmmaker Ang Lee won the award for best feature film. In 2003, a serial adaptation of Crystal Boys (孽子), inspired the groundbreaking gay novel of the same name by Taiwanese gay author Pai Hsien-yung  (白先勇) won the Golden Bell Awards.

As for Winnie Chang, who plays the wife in my film, I believe she won the Best Supporting Actress Award because, even though there are very few scenes involving her, she represents the many layers of this typical situation when gay men marry women out of social and family pressure. She finds herself in a love triangle that was not her choice and is exposed to a lot of pressure. She married into a big family, has to keep up appearances, wants a child and is pressured by her in-laws to do so. Yet she remains tolerant and humane.

陳敏郎:以同志電影的製作來說,台灣的環境還是滿友善的;每一年,在金馬獎的入圍名單裡面,大概都會有一到兩部同志電影。金馬獎是在 1962 年就有了;1993 年,金馬獎的最佳劇情片,就是頒給了以同志為核心而展開的電影《囍宴》,那是台灣導演李安的片子,他現在也是世界級的導演了。那麼在 2003 年的時候呢,《孽子》也得到了金鐘獎;那部電視劇的原著小說,就是台灣同志作家白先勇寫的,本身就是一部很有開創性的小說。




MLC:  In the capital Taipei, we live in a very open space, we have a large Gay Pride Parade, and so we tend to think that being gay is no big deal. But we need to get outside of this bubble and see what is really happening in society. Because yes, Taiwan is a democracy, but a very young one, just in its early 30s. This is why I chose a main character who is just under 30. I wanted to see what this generation is experiencing, as they are the first to grow in a post-martial law society.

This is why the movie will be distributed across Taiwan in 16 commercial movie theaters. We didn't want to go big and end up with half-empty movie theater rooms. This is an art movie, quite different from Taiwanese mainstream movies that are heavily influenced by the storytelling of TV series. Our hope is that word of mouth will convince audiences who are into indie movies to come and appreciate The Teacher.


而這也是為什麼,全台灣你只有在 16 家戲院可以看到這部電影;我們不想要把目標放得太高,然後每場都只是坐個半滿。《我的靈魂是愛做的》是一部藝術電影,那台灣一般的電影就比較像電視劇一點,所以我們是比較希望用口耳相傳的方式,讓喜歡獨立電影的人可以一起走進戲院、好好來欣賞這部電影。

導演陳敏郎(右)、主角邱志宇 (左)在桃園首映會上與影迷合照(攝影:Filip Noubel/經許可使用)


MLC: The strongest opposition comes from certain members of religious groups, and mostly Christian people. They have money, are influenced by groups outside of Taiwan, and have a blind belief that homosexuality is wrong, even though the Bible doesn't say that. But there is also another factor: our Asian traditions that keep any talk about homosexuality hush hush. The result is that very few people come out, so people don’t get to see or know a gay person in their immediate circles.That's what I wanted to achieve with Kevin; to introduce a person who looks like a neighbour so people can look at his dilemma and say: “I know him!”.

I couldn't imagine that I would see marriage-equality happen in Taiwan, and we have to thank people like Chi Chia-wei who were brave enough to come out publicly. I never felt prouder to be a Taiwanese than the day we passed the marriage equality law.




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