
Screenshot from the MSF USA documentary 'War in Aden: Surviving the Everyday'. Source: Youtube.

圖片擷取自無國界醫生組織美國分部拍攝的紀錄片「在亞丁的戰爭:每日生還」,圖是葉門一名營養不良的小孩。 圖片來源:Youtube

葉門時報的一位作者Yasser Rayes在近期寫下:「戰爭期間飢餓佔據了葉門人的心頭。」


2016年8月無國界醫生組織(MSF)的駐外記者Sophie McNeill稱葉門戰爭是「攻擊小孩的戰爭」。自這場「攻擊小孩的內戰」開始後,據報導沙國聯軍曾多次攻擊醫院,其中還包含無國界醫生營運的醫院。最為嚴重的一次攻擊發生於2016年8月15日,無國界醫生營運的艾布斯醫院遭到轟炸,造成11人死亡。


The neutrality and impartiality of the facilities had not been compromised before the attacks and therefore there was no legitimate reason to attack them […] The details of the incidents documented in these two reports are unambiguous indicators of how war is being waged in Yemen, where there is an utter disregard for civilian life by all warring parties.

攻擊事件發生前這些機構一直都秉持著中立、公平的原則,因此聯軍沒有任何攻擊他們的正當理由。[…] 這兩則報導中所紀錄的事件細節清楚地指出葉門戰爭的現況,交戰各方完全不顧民眾的生命。



Some 18 million people need assistance. When the government collapsed, basic services like trash pick-up stopped. And with food supplies cut off, millions are going hungry. The World Food Program projects that the number of food-insecure people could rise from 14 million to 21 million if the situation does not improve. Not only can hunger lead to death, but for those who survive, there are long-term consequences such as stunted growth and irreversible brain damage.




— OCHA Yemen (@OCHAYemen) 2016年10月24日



— UNICEF Yemen (@UNICEF_Yemen) 2016年12月12日


The conflict in Yemen has taken a devastating toll, particularly on the most vulnerable members of society: children.

Even before the outbreak of conflict in March 2015, Yemen faced challenges from widespread poverty, food insecurity and lack of health services. But now, with more than 3.2 million people displaced, food and fuel imports cut short and livelihoods destroyed, more than four in five Yemenis are in need of some kind of humanitarian assistance.

During the first year of the conflict, more than 900 children were killed, constituting one third of all civilian deaths. Thousands more are wasting away because of deprivations caused by the conflict. UNICEF estimates that 370,000 children in Yemen face severe malnutrition, while 2.2 million children need urgent humanitarian assistance to prevent a further deterioration in their nutritional status. Even after the conflict ends, the effects of malnutrition – stunted growth and delayed cognitive development – may linger. In the worst cases, it is fatal.

The number of out-of-school children – already high before the conflict – has ballooned to 2 million as more than 350,000 additional children have been unable to attend school because of closures. Education for these children cannot wait.

The country’s water and sanitation infrastructure has also been ravaged, posing serious health risks. Restrictions on the importation of fuel have disrupted the delivery of water to millions of people in one of the most water-scarce countries on Earth. Fuel shortages have also curtailed access to health care, as hospitals are unable to power the generators they need to function.

On 6 October 2016, health authorities in Yemen confirmed a cholera outbreak, posing an increased health risk to the population – especially children – given the crumbling health system in the country.








Screenshot of the report showing the scale of the humanitarian crisis. Source: UNICEF Yemen. 圖為聯合國兒童基金會報告的截圖,顯示出人道危機的規模。來源:聯合國兒童基金會葉門分部來源:聯合國兒童基金會葉門分部




War has ripped through what was already the poorest country in the Arab world. A staggering 18 million people are now in dire need of aid. One in three of Yemen’s young children are severely malnourished. And a staggering 7 million children go to bed hungry every night.


救助機構反飢餓行動組織的葉門分部主任Erin Hutchinson表示:「戰爭持續,情況繼續惡化,並沒有穩定下來。現在非常需要幫助。」



非政府組織「Mona Relief Yemen」的共同創辦人Dr. RS Karim在推特上發表推文:


— Dr. RS Karim (@RSKarim1) 2017年1月1日

校對:Lin Rui-ti

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