


自從斯里蘭卡總統邁特里帕拉·席瑞塞納(Maithripala Sirisena)於10月26日宣布罷免該國總理拉尼爾·威克瑞米辛赫(Ranil Wickremesinghe),並把前總統馬欣達·拉賈帕克薩(Mahinda Rajapaksa)換上台後,全國便陷入政治危機。新上任和剛下台的兩位總理皆相信自己合法擁有該職位,導致二人進行權力鬥爭。上千位抗議者走上首都科倫坡(Colombo)街頭,質疑總統的決定是否符合憲法,並要求國會重新召開、處理此事。總統席瑞塞納終於向壓力屈服,承諾11月7日重新召開國會。

2018年11月4日,一群人在斯里蘭卡首都科倫坡克魯皮提亞區(Kollupitiya)的自由圓環(Liberty roundabout)集結。

對於其中一部份的群眾來說,這天已經是抗議的第五日。總統邁特里帕拉·席瑞塞納和統一人民自由聯盟(United People’s Freedom Alliance)解散了國會,一群公民看到這則新聞,決定每天傍晚4點半到6點半之間在自由圓環集合,直到再度召開國會為止。第一天抗議,就遇到附近由拉尼爾·威克瑞米辛赫領導的聯合國家黨(United National Party,簡稱UNP)所籌辦的大型集會--但當天許多參與集會者很直接了當地說,他們不是為了支持聯合國家黨才來的。

10月30日,推特用戶Lisa Fuller一則聚焦於抗議者海報的推文,在網路瘋傳,上面寫著:「我來這裡不是為了拉尼爾,而是為了民主。」




聯合國家黨議員魯旺·維耶瓦德納恩(Ruwan Wijewardene)透漏,貪汙是斯里蘭卡的常態,議員會收取高額款項換取對議題的忠誠。




Diordre Moraes。圖片來自Groundviews。

“As a mother, as a grandmother, I want to see democracy restored. I’m not against any person or any party but as a citizen of Sri Lanka. Nothing like this has ever happened before” – Diordre Moraes

Diordre Moraes:「身為一位母親及祖母,我想看到民主修復。我沒有反對任何人或任何政黨,我只是一個斯里蘭卡的公民。以前從來沒有過這樣的事發生。」

Neluni Tillekeratne。圖片來自Gorundviews。

“I feel young people should take political issues more seriously. When youth engage with politics they only look at statements from the President or Prime Minister. We don’t look at deeper issues. I’m hoping to influence young people to come.” Neluni Tillekeratne

Neluni Tillekeratne:「我認為年輕人應更重視政治議題。年輕人參與政治時,只讀過總統或總理的聲明,沒有深入了解議題。我希望可以影響更多年輕人來參與。」

Nadesan Suresh。圖片來自Groundviews。

Our Malaiyaha Tamil community, those who work in tea estates, voted for President Sirisena hoping he would reform society. However, what he did sets us back 100 years.’ Nadesan Suresh, from Badulla.

來自巴杜勒(Badulla)的 Nadesan Suresh:「我們在茶園工作的泰米爾採茶人社群( Malaiyaha Tamil Community,Malaiyaha即指「山」)當初把票投給席瑞塞納總統,是希望可以重建社會,然而他的所作所為卻把我們拉回100年前。」

Sarojini Kadirgamar。圖片來自Groundviews。

“Though I’m 92 years old, I feel I must make a stand for democracy. Over the years I’ve seen the steady deterioration of political life. Every party has used corrupt practices for short term gains.This has to change.” Sarojini Kadirgamar

Sarojini Kadirgamar:「雖然我已 92 歲,但我覺得自己必須為民主站出來。過去這些年來,我看著政治生態不斷惡化,每個黨派都曾用貪汙的手段來獲取短期利益,不能再這樣下去了。」

由右至左:Leisha Lawrence、Mihiri de Silva、Sepali de Silva、不知名。圖片來自Groundviews。

“I’m here for democracy. If an MP choose to jump to another party they should lose their seat in Parliament. I’m not here for any party.” Leisha Lawrence (far right)

“We vote in a particular way for who we want. That doesn’t give the President the right to do what he wants, because he doesn’t get on with a particular person.” Mihiri de Silva (second from right)

“My vote is not for sale. This is not right!” Sepali de Silva (second from left)

Leisha Lawrence(最右):「我來這裡是為了民主。如果有個議員決定跳槽到另一個黨,就應該丟掉原本在國會的席位。我來這裡不是為了任何黨派。」

Mihiri de Silva(右二):「我們用特定的制度來投票給我們支持的人,但這並不是給予總統權力,讓他只因跟某個人不合就為所欲為。」

Sepali de Silva(左二):「我的選票是非賣品。這整件事就是不對!」


‘We call this a democratic country but what happened suppressed democratic means. We made history as having the first female prime minister, now we have made history again for having two prime ministers!’ Kalaivani, from Batticaloa.


Adrian Roshan Fernando。圖片來自Groundviews。

“The decisions being made now don’t include the public opinion. They are just taking their own decisions. There is a way to do things.” Adrian Roshan Fernando.

Adrian Roshan Fernando:「[國家的]決定並沒有先聆聽大眾意見。他們自己下了決定。做事情應有先後順序。」

Piyathilaka Ranaweera。圖片來自Groundviews。

“This is not good for the country. We’re doing this for the next generation, for the future of this country.” Piyathilaka Ranaweera

Piyathilaka Ranaweera:「這件事對國家造成傷害。為了下一代、為了國家的未來,我們選擇站出來。」

Irfadha Muzammil。圖片來自Groundviews。

“People’s votes matter. We can’t let politicians corrupt that and exploit voters.” Irfadha Muzammil

Irfadha Muzammil:「每個人的選票都很重要。我們不能讓政治人物用骯髒的手段毀了民主、利用選民。」

Abdul Kalam Azad。圖片來自Groundviews。

Rather than saying “I am Prime Minister” come to Parliament now and show that you have the majority. Govern the country. Don’t waste our time!” Abdul Kalam Azad.

Abdul Kalam Azad:「不要只在那邊說『我是總理』,真的要當的話,現在就來國會、證明人民比較支持你。好好治理國家,不要浪費大家的時間!」

夜幕降臨,自由圓環仍沒有供電。後來,科倫波市長蘿西‧森納納亞克(Rosy Senanayake)發布了一篇推文,說[路燈沒有電]是「一場破壞行動」。







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