昔日美洲主要奴隸港 今日世界遺產

瓦隆古碼頭(Cais do Valongo),為19世紀時美洲進行奴隸交易的主要港口。圖片來源:Tomaz Silva/Agência Brasil/CC BY-NC-SA 2.0。


2017年7月[10日(當地時間)],聯合國教科文組織將瓦隆古碼頭(Cais do Valongo)列入世界遺產之列,計畫將這個掩埋許久的石頭遺跡變成紀念館。


依據線上歷史資料庫「奴隸遠行」(Slave Voyages)的紀錄[英文 / 葡文]::

Brazil was the center of the slave trade carried on under the Portuguese flag, both before and after Brazilian independence, in 1822, and Portugal was by far the largest of the national carriers. Brazil dominated the slave trade in the sense that Rio de Janeiro and Bahia sent out more more slaving voyages than any port in Europe […] Over nearly three centuries between 1560 and 1850, Brazil was consistently the largest destination for slaves in the Americas.


瓦隆古碼頭於1811年建成─也就是是葡萄牙王室逃離拿破崙席捲歐洲的軍隊(註:即拿破崙戰爭,1803年至1815年)抵達巴西的三年後─並迅速成為奴隸船在美洲的重要目的地。服務於聖保羅大學、並參與美國普林斯頓大學全球學者計畫(Global Scholar Program)的歷史學家莉莉安‧莫利茲‧舒瓦茨(Lilian Moritz Schwarcz)說明道,這個碼頭距離皇宮只有幾步之遙,皇室家族也經常在散步時觀望奴隸販子為他們的「商品」做準備─拆散這些非洲人的家庭、並在其身上塗抹鯨油以遮蓋他們身上的傷痕:

O Brasil recebeu mais de 4 milhões de africanos, durante os (quase) quatro séculos em que foi vigente o regime escravocrata no país. Tal número equivale a um pouco menos do que a metade da população que deixou seu continente de origem, forçadamente, e àqueles que lograram chegar vivos nas Américas, depois de uma viagem repleta de contrariedades. Desse número absoluto, aproximadamente 60% aportaram no Rio de Janeiro, e cerca de um milhão deles entraram no território pelo Cais do Valongo.

Brazil received more than 4 million Africans, during the (almost) four centuries the country had a regime of enslavement. That number is equivalent to a little less than half of [all the Africans] who left their continent of origin, forcibly, and managed to arrive at the Americas alive, after a long journey full of adversities. From this absolute number, nearly 60% docked at Rio de Janeiro and about 1 million entered by Valongo’s Quay.

巴西在(將近)四個世紀的合法蓄奴期間,輸入了([英文] received / [葡文] recebeu)逾4百萬名非洲人。這個人數,幾乎相當於被強制帶離非洲大陸且在漫長又充斥艱辛的旅程後活著抵達美洲的[所有非洲人的]二分之一。在這4百萬餘人當中,將近60%的奴隸在里約熱內盧登陸,另約有1百萬人被送抵瓦隆古碼頭。

這意味著,在瓦隆古碼頭運作的32年間,它不只是最常被使用的奴隸販運港口,在奴隸制度風行的數個世紀中,更有四分之一的非洲奴隸透過這個港口進入巴西。巴西國家歷史與藝術遺產協會(Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional ,IPHAN)將這個遺址提交聯合國教科文組織作為世界遺產的候選地點時,時任協會會長卡蒂婭‧波捷亞(Kátia Bogéa)指出,瓦隆古碼頭是「唯一一個能代表數以百萬計受奴役的非洲人[的地點],他們為巴西的立國做出貢獻,並使巴西成為除了非洲大陸以外擁有最多黑人人口的國家」。

如同舒瓦茨在她近期的文章所言,世界遺產的頭銜對巴西的這個歷史遺跡來說,不僅僅是為了紀念,它更像是為了「關上遺忘的大門」(closing the door on oblivion):

Não se trata de condenar essas populações a seu passado, até porque ninguém foi escravo de origem e nascença. Mas sim de lembrar e elevar essa África que vive em nós. Conforme define, lindamente, Alberto da Costa e Silva, nosso maior africanista: “O Brasil é um país extraordinariamente africanizado. E só a quem não conhece a África pode escapar o quanto há de africano nos gestos, nas maneiras de ser e de viver e no sentimento estético do brasileiro. (…) Com ou sem remorsos, a escravidão é o processo mais longo e mais importante de nossa história.

It’s not about condemning these populations to their past, especially because no one was a slave by origin or birth. But it’s about remembering and elevating the Africa that lives in us. As Alberto da Costa e Silva, our greatest Africanist, beautifully defines: ‘Brazil is an extraordinarily Africanized country. And only someone who doesn’t know Africa can escape how much of it there is in our gestures, in how we live and be, in our esthetic sense. [….] With or without remorse, slavery is the longest and most important process in our history.

這並不是在譴責([英文] condemning / [葡文] condenar)過去的世代及錯誤─畢竟沒有任何人生來就該被奴役─而是記起並喚醒那些沉睡在我們體內的非洲。正如我們最偉大的非洲主義作家阿爾貝托‧達‧哥斯達‧E‧席爾瓦(Alberto da Costa e Silva)所做的完美定義:「巴西是個極為出色的非洲化國家(an extraordinarily Africanized country)。只有那些不認識非洲的人,才會對存於我們的習俗、生活方式與美學之中的非洲淵源視而不見。[…]不論悔恨與否,奴隸制度仍然是我們的歷史中最長遠也最重要的一個過程」。

校對:Zoe Chang

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