報導 關於 History 歷史


The Bridge  7 七月 2023

在 2022 年初,我們曾經試圖向那些俄羅斯的主戰派說明我們的立場,但我們的努力卻終告失敗;事到如今,「說俄語」帶給我們的不過是傷痛而已──那種全然不被理解、被狠狠否定的傷痛。


  28 四月 2023



Rising Voices  28 十二月 2022



  5 十月 2022

孟加拉的茶工們發動罷工,要求把每日最低工資調漲到 300 塔卡(3.16 美元);而最終為自己爭取到每日 170 塔卡(1.80 美元)的微幅調漲。但這樣對他們來說,足夠了嗎?


  30 十二月 2019

In 1979, Santo was handing out pamphlets outside a São Paulo factory during a protest when he was killed by being shot in the back by police. "How come young people just talked about the environmental impact of burning books? Are they not aware of the historical symbolism of “book burning and scholar burying”?" "How come young people just talked about the environmental impact of burning books? Are they not aware of the historical symbolism of “book burning and scholar burying”?" "How come young people just talked about the environmental impact of burning books? Are they not aware of the historical symbolism of “book burning and scholar burying”?"