「黑色星期一」 波蘭女性抗議全面禁止墮胎法案

Women and men wearing black as a sign of opposition in the #BlackProtest in Berlin

在柏林舉行的#黑色抗爭(#BlackProtest),參加者不分男女皆身著黑衣以示抗議。照片來自Kasia Odrozek,依據創用CC授權使用。

橫跨歐洲,有上萬人加入名為「黑色星期一(Black Monday)」的抗爭活動,參與者身穿黑衣,以行動支持波蘭女性透過罷工,抗爭視墮胎為犯罪的新法案。

舉行「黑色星期一」前,據估已有上百萬波蘭女性加入不工作、不幫傭的抗爭行動。儘管實際罷工人數仍不確定,這場罷工行動喚起數十個波蘭城市響應。 遊行支持團體也出現在柏林、布魯塞爾和基輔,克羅埃西亞首都札格雷布(Zagreb)、馬其頓共和國首都史高比耶(Skopje)也出現小規模示威,總計示威活動遍佈60個歐洲城市。參與人數之高引起社群媒體和國際媒體廣泛討論。


眾人齊聚華沙街頭 #CzarnyProtest

There is power!


作為「黑色抗爭」運動的延續,這場罷工主要回應波蘭政府近期修正反墮胎法並提高刑責的計畫,包括如對墮胎婦女─含性侵受害者─及助其墮胎醫生皆處以5年徒刑。[當前執政的]右派民族保守主義政黨法律與正義黨(Law and Justice,簡稱PiS)不僅在國會取得最多席,還有天主教會作為後盾。

女性主義團體「女孩團結聯盟」(Dziewuchy Dziewuchom,即Girls United)柏林分會在當地華沙大街( Warschauer Strasse,即Warsaw Street)舉辦了一場團結示威活動,當日現場聚集上千位民眾,包括波蘭人、德國人及其他國際聲援者,不分男女、跨越世代,表達對反墮胎法的不滿及對波蘭女性的支持。

這場抗議行動的發起人之一Anna Krenz 說道:「在柏林辦這場抗爭行動意義重大,不只是因為這裡住了很多波蘭人,更是因為能將女性在波蘭的處境大聲向外界傳遞。」

聲援團體 #柏林黑色抗爭 照片來自Kasia Odrozek,依據創用CC授權使用。


A few months ago, the day I realized I was pregnant, I have also gotten the news that my grandmother had a stroke and is fighting for her life in a hospital in Poland. Some days later I packed my stuff and went to see her and (as it clear from today's perspective) say goodbye.

It was a long drive, a very emotional days and a hard time. On the way back home, to Berlin, still hundreds of kilometers away from Germany, I've started to have terrible pains and cramps in my lower abdomen. I also started bleeding. I immediately knew, what was going on, I've heard it from many friends, I was warned, that in the early stage of a pregnancy, miscarriages happen pretty often. I was crying, praying and suffering and of course the question came up, if I should just be driven to the next hospital.

But my intuition said “No! I will make it to Berlin and go to see doctors there”, which (after a call with my doctor) I did. I have sadly had a miscarriage, there was nothing to be done, but I had the best moral support from my doctors, I could have expected. They told me, it was not my fault, it couldn't have been the stress I have put myself into, there has most likely been a genetic problem and that I should be thankful to my body, because it protected me in the way it should. The doctors were warm, caring, understanding, supporting and just plain wonderful.

If I imagine what could have awaited me in a Polish hospital in the same situation, it makes me really grateful to be living abroad. If besides the trauma of losing a baby, I would have to have gone through the trauma of questions, accusations, moral instructions, shame, fear, denial of help or even the possibility of imprisonment, I would have been traumatized for life. I demonstrated today, because I just can't accept the new proposals of the abortion law in Poland. If they go through, the will destroy women's bodies, minds and souls. Even if it makes me speechless, I will raise my voice!






於此同時,波蘭外交部長瓦斯其克夫斯基(Witold Waszczykowski )在一個晨間廣播節目反擊這場抗爭:「就讓他們胡鬧吧。如果有人認為目前波蘭沒有其他更嚴重的問題要面對的話,那就繼續吧。」他近一步指出女性權益在波蘭並沒有任何危險。



譯者:Una Li、Conny Chang

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