
Mohammed Kamal-Deen Fuseini/照片:由本人提供,經許可使用

Mohammed Kamal-Deen Fuseini 是一名熱衷於語言推廣的倡議人士,他所追求的目標是:「不讓任何一個人因為語言障礙而掉隊」;而為了這個目標,他也一直致力於透過維基媒體項目來推廣迦納的本土語言。

如今,他是 Gurene 維基社群的聯合負責人,也是 Dagbani 維基媒體用戶小組的成員之一。

根據 Mohammed 的說法,Gurene 語(也被稱為 Farefare 語)長期以來都未被列入學校教育之中,直到最近才有所改變。這情況導致老一輩的使用者沒辦法掌握該語言的讀寫,也因此難以將這門語言的應用延伸到網路的世界。然而,隨著年輕一代不斷的嘗試,情況已經有所改變,這門語言也逐漸在網路世界找到自己的一片天地──Mohammed 之所以會協助籌辦上月的迦納維基媒體語言小聚,這也是原因之一。除此之外,Mohammed 也會為我們擔任 @DigiAfricanLang 的客座主持,在推特分享相關訊息及活動實況。

以下是發聲計畫對 Mohammed 所進行的採訪,請他談談他的工作內容以及他對迦納本土語言的展望。

發聲計畫(以下簡稱 RV):您的語言在網路上和生活中現況如何?

Mohammed Kamal-Deen Fuseini (MKF): In the offline space, the Gurene/Farefare language is currently spoken by over 800,000 people in towns and villages in the Upper East region of Ghana. It is a major program of tutelage at the University of Education, Winneba, at the Ajumako campus. It is also studied as a course in most of the colleges of education in Ghana and as a subject at the basic schools in the Upper East region.

In the digital space, it is currently a language on Wikipedia. The language is currently being used to train AI algorithms to speak and translate between Gurene and English on the Khaya app.

Mohammed Kamal-Deen Fuseini(以下簡稱 MKF):在迦納上東部大區的城鎮裡面,目前共有超過 80 萬人會在現實生活中使用 Gurene/Farefare 語來進行溝通。它現在是溫尼巴教育大學 Ajumako 校區的主要科目之一;在迦納多數教育學院和上東部大區基礎學校的課程裡面,也都會教授 Gurene/Farefare 語。

以網路來說,維基百科現在已經有 Gurene/Farefare 語的條目了;它目前也被使用在 Khaya 這個應用程式裡面,來訓練人工智能進行 Gurene 語和英語間的對話和翻譯。


MKF: I have a dream, and in the dream, I see a future where all educational content will be made accessible in my language for people to understand easily, faster, and better. Once we put the language online, we have given life to it till the end of time, so that even when the last speaker dies, the language will still live on.



Celebrating the Gurene language and culture can be a powerful way to motivate young people to learn and use the language. This can be done through festivals, language camps, and other cultural events that promote the use and appreciation of the language.

Parents and community leaders should encourage young people to use the Gurene language in their daily lives by speaking it at home, at community gatherings, and at cultural events. This helps to reinforce the importance of the language and encourages its continued use.

Immersion programs can help young people learn and use the language in a natural and immersive setting. These programs can be organized during school holidays or as after-school activities.

MKF提升語言和文化的能見度,應該可以算是鼓勵年輕人學習、使用 Gurene 語的好辦法。我們可以通過舉辦各種慶典、語言營或其他能夠鼓勵大家使用、欣賞 Gurene 語的文化活動來實現這個目的。

家長和社群領袖也應該鼓勵年輕人在家裡、社區聚會和文化活動上,多多使用 Gurene 語來進行日常溝通,這有助於強化它的重要性,也能鼓勵大家持續地去使用這個語言。

〔此外〕沉浸式課程也能幫助年輕人在自然的環境中學習、使用 Gurene 語;這些沉浸式課程可以安排在不上課的日子,也可以當成是一種課後活動。


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