臉書社團Commute Sketchers於一年多前成立,社團內展示許多作品,描繪他們在大眾運輸工具裡看到的世界,作品不僅限於新加坡藝術家,更有許多來自國外。
新加坡藝術家,同時是老師的Erwin Lian是Commute Sketchers的創辦人之一,他解釋為何大眾運輸工具對藝術家來說是個極其理想的平台:
I think the public transport system is a very unique and peaceful place. You have this moving box (public transport) with wheels or wings that can contain the greatest diversity, because it is literally taking everyone to a common destination. I find that interesting; the notion of going somewhere together. Also, the fact that there are so many different faces to draw within a small room excites me. I was traditionally trained in fine arts and with dwindling interests in traditional art, the public commute presents a unique, safe and condensed setting to practice what I love.
他補充,Commute Sketchers是受到某個加拿大的藝術計畫啟發:
I was very inspired by the Canadian subway and they have this ‘Sketching-the-line’ program where they invite commute sketchers to submit their work and feature them all over the transit. I thought that was such an organic move and very gracious of them to grant advertising space to commute artists.
另外一位在Commute Sketchers社團裡相當活躍的成員Alvin Mark Tan,則驚訝地發現在大眾交通工具上,有太多人根本不知道周遭發生了什麼事。
That people in general can be so hooked on to their mobile devices, they have no clue that I’m sketching them, or even what is happening around them.
此外,Alvin Mark Tan也拍了簡易的教學影片,詳細講解通勤速寫的要訣。