Email 臺北科技大學應用英文系翻譯小組1

最新文章 臺北科技大學應用英文系翻譯小組1


  30 十二月 2019

In 1979, Santo was handing out pamphlets outside a São Paulo factory during a protest when he was killed by being shot in the back by police. "How come young people just talked about the environmental impact of burning books? Are they not aware of the historical symbolism of “book burning and scholar burying”?" "How come young people just talked about the environmental impact of burning books? Are they not aware of the historical symbolism of “book burning and scholar burying”?" "How come young people just talked about the environmental impact of burning books? Are they not aware of the historical symbolism of “book burning and scholar burying”?"


GV Advocacy  16 六月 2019
